hillary depiano

  1. HillaryDePiano

    Business Freelance, Blogging & other ways to get started with writing in the real world with Hillary DePiano

    If you love facts more than fiction, author Hillary DePiano will be your guide to the many ways to distribute and share non-fiction writing. From earning money blogging and paid freelance gigs to publishing a book and sharing your knowledge with the world, there’s never been a better time to...
  2. HillaryDePiano

    Writing Life Now what? Taking Your New Novel through Editing, Publication and Beyond with Hillary DePiano

    What happens after you finish writing a book? How exactly do you start a revision and discover your editing process? How do you know if you’re ready to hire an editor? How do you motivate yourself when faced with draft dread or editing blocks? How can you translate what you’ve accomplished so...