When you cruise the shelves at the bookstore, or the online listings, it’s easy to find stories of daring-do and hot clinches set in the Scottish Highlands, Regency or Victorian London or a country house within these periods, and occasionally take a trip back to the Medieval or Age of the...
“Coconut” explores the often humorous, sometimes painful experiences of a Mexican-American family living during the turbulent 1960’s and 1970’s, a time when Latinos were treated as “wetbacks” despite being U.S. citizens. Like many during the time, they don't even speak Spanish.
A former slave and his freeborn Philadelphia mail-order bride have never been bested on the field of sexual one-up-manship. Have they now met a match for whom they'll gladly cry uncle?
So, I posted about me yesterday under someone else's thread and it was suggested I start my own with a lil about me.
In acuality, I've been writing since I was about 12 or 13, but created stories in my head a lot earlier. (NOT to be confused with my fantasies.) In my teens, my stories were a...
Ireland in 1887 was not a nice place to be if you were Irish. Across the ocean, America looks like a beacon of promise to the starving minds of Johnny Dorlan...
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