kathy otten

  1. Kathy Otten

    Worldbuilding-Setting A View From the Overlook--Writing Active Descriptions with Kathy Otten

    The LIVE webinar will be presented on ZOOM. For more information on how to access Zoom for your first Zoom meeting, please check out HERE. Show don't tell is the mantra of critique groups, agents, and editors. But what does that mean? How do you describe a scene without telling? In this...
  2. Kathy Otten

    Plot-Structure-GMC Bumps in the Road—Building Conflict in Your Story with Multi-Published Author Kathy Otten

    Do you want to write a story your reader can't put down? In this workshop we'll examine what conflict is and how uncertainty and failure build drama and tension in your story. Week One--What is Conflict? A. External Conflict B. Internal Conflict Week Two--Increasing External Conflict A...
  3. Kathy Otten

    Craft Driving Through Tunnels—What Does Your Character Fear Most? with Kathy Otten

    What is your biggest fear? Monsters beneath the bed? Walking to your car late at night? Everyone fears something, including your characters. In this workshop we’ll dig deep into those fears and learn how those fears create the tension that keeps the reader turning pages. More information to...
  4. Kathy Otten

    Craft The People We Meet—Using Body Language To Show Emotion with Kathy Otten

    The People We Meet—Using Body Language To Show Emotion. As writers we are constantly reminded to show, not tell our stories. Understanding how your characters react to the story problems and to other characters is a key element in connecting your readers to your characters in a believable way...