
  1. terrimain

    Business Ridiculously Simple Self-Publishing Series with Terri Main

    Workshop #1: February 27 - March 12, 2023 You can spend anywhere from $100 to $1000 just having your book formatted for upload to Kindle. What these “professionals” won’t tell you is that you can do this yourself for free in about 15-30 minutes. For eBooks, all you need is a simple docx file...
  2. terrimain

    Craft Tools Using Kindle Create to Publish Both Print and Ebooks with Terri Main

    Indie Authors and Small Publishers this course can save you thousands of dollars! You can spend between $50 - $500 hiring someone to do what you can do for free in twenty minutes or less. And that's just e-book conversions. Print is even more expensive. At the very least, you will spend...
  3. terrimain

    Craft EZ Peasy Manuscript Formatting for Kindle Ebook and Print Publishing with Terri Main

    Digital publishing of ebooks and print-on-demand paperbacks has revolutionized publishing. Individuals and small publishers can now publish directly to the reader through online bookstores. The primary force behind this has been Amazon and its Kindle Direct Publishing. Today, publishing a book...
  4. terrimain

    Indie Creating a Kindle E-book and Paperback in one Simple Operation with Terri Main

    It has never been easier to publish your book yourself. Honestly, if you are paying anyone to do the work for you, unless it is a complicated book with multimedia or lots of graphics, you are probably wasting your money. The new Kindle Creator plug-in for MS-Word makes the whole process as easy...