
  1. Beth Daniels

    Craft NANO Prep for Pantsers with Beth Daniels

    So often the Prep Talks involving preparing for National Novel Writing Month (aka November to the rest of the world) insist that outlines and beat sheets are the only way to go whether you’re pounding out the 1667 words a day for NANO or simply getting ready to spin a story. None of those...
  2. Sunny Irene Roth

    Writing Life How to Not Only Survive, but Thrive During NaNoWriMo with Irene S. Roth

    Many writers want to take part in NaNoWriMo each year in November. There is no better way of getting into the later fall months than to delve into writing a brand new book that we can then revise in December and January. I have participated in 20 years of NaNoWriMo’s so far. This will be my...