suspense novel

  1. South of Justice book trailer

    South of Justice book trailer

    South of Justice is part of the Compass Crimes suspense series. This story is set in North Carolina. Each story features a woman whose life is turned upside ...
  2. West of Famous - eBook 9780997257557.jpg

    West of Famous - eBook 9780997257557.jpg

    A young woman plays the role of a lifetime after kidnappers mistake her for a celebrity. Those who know where she is don't value her life. Those who love her don't know she's missing.
  3. Becky Martinez

    Genre-Mystery-Crime Solving the Mystery of Writing Suspense with Becky Martinez

    Ever wanted to write a mystery? They can be fun, they can be frightening, they can be deadly. But writing a mystery can also be a mystery itself– whether it’s a stand alone or a series, or a romantic suspense or amateur sleuth, or hard boiled detective. Learn all the basics of writing a...