writer's life

  1. Deborah Bailey

    Business Overview of Direct Sales for Authors with Deb Bailey

    Overview of how you can sell your books directly to your readers. We’ll talk some online platforms you can use, how to get paid, and how to deliver your books (and audio books) after the sale. Reasons why selling direct is growing in popularity. Overview of top platforms to use to sell your...
  2. Amdenisch

    Writing Life Fighting Imposter Syndrome: How to keep going when you feel like a fraud with Anna Denisch

    Imposter syndrome can affect everyone, even successful and popular writers. But when your self-doubt starts to creep in, it’s crucial that you learn how to fight back. In this workshop, we’ll look at some of the causes of imposter syndrome as well as some tips and tricks to help you stay on...
  3. pjune-yahoo.com

    Writing Life Mentoring and Coaching with Editorial Director and Author June Diehl

    Are you seeking a coach and mentor who listens? Doesn't squash your writing style? And who provides positive, constructive feedback to meet your goals? As a certified coach with a background in education and over a decade of working with writers, my goal is to offer you an individualized...
  4. Create With Co-Authors : How to use effective collaboration to level up your writing career

    Create With Co-Authors : How to use effective collaboration to level up your writing career

    Whether you are developing a book or a series, Create With Co-Authors gives you the tools and step-by-step guidance you need to form healthy co-author relationships. Prompts and exercises will help you take practical steps to turn that dream into shared published books.
  5. terrimain

    Business Marketing for Writers with Terri Main

    Writers are creatives. We love building stories, writing dialogue, composing essays, poetry, screenplays, short and long fiction. However, most of us dread the idea of marketing. We would prefer to just sit at our computers working on our books, articles, scripts, and stories. REALITY CHECK...
  6. Pamela Jaye Smith

    Craft Mastering Your Creative Process with Pamela Jaye Smith

    Whether it’s for a story, a project, a class, a relationship, etc. the 4-part creative cycle affects everything on small and large scales, from a single small plant to a civilization to a star system. Learning to discern where in the process something is can give you all kinds of insights and...
  7. Sunny Irene Roth

    Writing Life How to Hold a Full-Time Job & Still Find Time to Write with Irene Roth

    Do you work full-time and are having trouble finding time, energy and motivation to write? Do you wish you could be a successful writer AND work full-time? Are you frustrated because you are not getting the results that you so richly deserve? If you answered the above questions in the...

    Plot-Structure-GMC Beginnings with Jacqueline Lipton

    What’s the best way to get (and hold) your readers’ attention from the first line of your book until the last? With so many books to read and so many ways to read them (ebooks, audiobooks, and good old fashioned hardbacks and paperbacks), authors are often fighting for reader eyeballs in an...