writing bootcamp

  1. SavvyAuthors Events

    Writing Life 2024 NaNovember Write with SavvyAuthors

    Are you a procrastinator in need of motivation? Hate writing alone? Need some extra support or assistance staying on track with your story? If you answered yes, then join SavvyAuthors for NaNovember Write. It'll be a month where we focus on BICHOK (butt in chair, hands on keyboard) to...
  2. RJ Garside

    Is anyone doing NaNovember writing bootcamp?

    Hello! Since it's almost the middle of September (where the heck did the summer go?), I'm already starting to plan my November bootcamp novel. If you are planning to participate, are you a plotter (like to plot out your entire novel), pantser (write as the words come to me), or a plantser...