2018 Mentoring Group
What You will Gain From the Group
What You will Gain From the Group
Hello all, and welcome to the WordWonders Mentoring Group.
I am SO SO glad you are here and ready to take your writing career to the next level. I can see nothing but a great year for you in 2018.
First, here is a bit of background information about the mentoring group.
This is the third year of my mentoring program through Savvy authors. It has been a very successful mentoring program where I have helped many writers to be their best.
In this program, I will help you be your best on several levels:
- I will encourage you to set long-term writing goals that you can complete within a year.
- I will encourage you to set short-term goals that are derived from your long-term goals so that every month, and every week you could get closer to completing your goals.
- I will coach you one-on-one about different problems and obstacles that you have when you write. You will have a one-on-one monthly coaching where I either call you or meet you online for 30 to 45 minutes to discuss whatever issues you are having in your writing career right now that are stopping you from being your best.
- There will be a Build Your Business Challenge every month so that you could make some passive income from your writing. This is good because you won’t be as desperate to publish your books if they are not ready. More on this in the forum.
- There will be monthly lessons on different topics of the writing life so that again, you could be at your best in your writing career.
- There will be one monthly live chat every month, usually the first Thursday of the month at 7 pm EST in our chatroom. This monthly chat will consist of part information and part question and answer. It shouldn’t last more than 45 minutes. Our first live chat is this Thursday, January 11th, 2017 at 7 pm EST.
- There will be daily sprints. I will just need the times that you would like to write, and we will get together and write. For those of you who don’t know what sprints are and have never participated in them, they are the single-best way to successfully write when you say you will. We will be writing in the forum together cheering each other on and writing. We will meet in the chat room to write. Just let me know what times each week work for you.
- Weekly inspirations that will be sent in an email so that you could ensure that you get some writing done every week.
- I am also available if you have any questions. Simply email me and I will respond to your questions within 24 hours.
That’s it for now!
Irene S. Roth