Discussion Habit 2 of Successful Writers: Eliminate Distractions

Sunny Irene Roth

Dec 5, 2010
Most writers have to learn to eliminate time wasters and distractions in order to be most successful. The best way eliminate distractions is to make sure that you do nothing but write when you intend to write. That means that you should reshuffle multi-tasking out of your life as well.

This usually requires that you not answer email, cruise the internet, answer the phone, or do anything else but write when you are supposed to be writing. This may be hard to do at first. However, with planning, practice, and patience, it is more than possible to make this happen. And your productivity can’t help but soar as a result as well.

It can be very difficult to eliminate all distractions while we write. We all tend to want to do so many different things simultaneously. We love to multi-task, don’t we? But multi-tasking doesn’t work well in our favor when we’re trying to be an efficient and productive writer. Instead try to concentrate on one writing project at a time. This will help you consistently work on your most important writing projects first, and to complete one before we turn to the next one.

Try it!

Irene Roth
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