Challenge! How did you do with April's Challenge, and Moving Forward

Sunny Irene Roth

Dec 5, 2010
Hi ladies!

How did you do with April's challenge?

Please let me know under this thread.

This month, I will set up a different kind of challenge for you.

After looking at your long-term goals for this year, how can you challenge yourself to get even more done?

Once you decide on how you can challenge yourself to do even more, and to complete your goals, write down your challenge below.

Your challenge can be as simple as showing up to write more often. If this is what you choose to do, please be precise. For instance, let me know under this thread how much writing you want to get done in a week to challenge yourself. If you write 7 hours a week now, why not challenge yourself to write 10 or 15 hours? Whatever you choose, make sure its realistic and doable.

So, what is your challenge for May?

Take care, and make this month the best one so far this year!
Irene S. Roth
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