Informational Article for January 28th, 2019

Sunny Irene Roth

Dec 5, 2010

Create An Inspiring Work Place Environment for Yourself
Irene S. Roth

Writers spend a lot of time in the confines of their offices. It is, therefore, important for writers to take the time to personalize their writing space by adding their favorite colors, sounds and scents. To make our writing space our own, we should decorate it in a way that is comforting and inspiring to you. Plants are also a good idea because they can revivify an area. It is fairly easy to produce a comfortable and productive work space with just a few easy steps.

  • Place personal photos of your family members having fun and enjoying themselves on your desk. This will remind you of good times and put you in a positive frame of mind when you write.
  • Paint your office in one of your favorite colors. I personally love lavender. It is soothing and I feel productive when I enter my office. So, think of a color that really inspires you.
  • Put wallpaper or borders on one or two walls of your office. This will help make your office really pretty and not drab and colorless.
  • Add a touch of class to the windows by putting up colorful curtains and blinds. You want to control the amount of light and noise that comes into your office from the outside too so that you’re not always distracted.
  • Decorate your office space with fancy pillows and throws. Have as many different colors and textures as possible.
  • Have a comfy chair to sit in the corner of your office. Add a blanket for comfort in case you get cold.
  • Position your desk so that you have a wonderful view of the outdoors. By doing this, you could take a refocus break from your writing once in a while by looking out the window.
  • Choose a few of your favorite CD's and have them available in your office. Put them on as you write. Mozart and Handel are my favorites. If you don’t know what kind of music inspires you, experiment a bit.
  • Choose some of your favorite scented candles and place them in your office. I use a lot of soothing lavender as it is my favorite scent. I also love autumn scents such as apple and pumpkin
  • Don’t allow yourself to have toxic feelings or emotions as you enter into your office. Simply try to focus on pleasant and positive thoughts as you sit down to write.
  • Don’t have a phone or cell phone in your office if you can avoid it. Instead, use the phone outside of your writing space after your writing session is up.
  • Have a few protein bars and a bottle of water in your office as you write.
By setting up your office as a place of refuge and sanctuary, you will be very productive and fulfilled when you enter your space to do your daily writing. Your office space is really that important to your success and happiness as a writer. So take a few minutes to look around your office right now and take steps to make it as pleasant and productive as possible. Start slowly and make it one of your priorities to turn your office into a creative sacred space that you will want to return to over and over again.
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Okay, so still pending on making my own space, but this has got me thinking I was totally killing the wordcount thing is September/October while I was writing in the same room the baby sleeps in. I’m thinking maybe seeing him was inspiring me to get the words out... but at the same time I got concerned the typing was keeping him up. Need to come up with a my own space solution soon. :)
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