Lecture ***** Into December we Go ****

Sunny Irene Roth

Dec 5, 2010
Hi ladies,

We are into December. This is the last month of the year.

Even if you didn't have a good November because of other obligations, you can still end the year strongly by taking one small step every day to move your goals forward.

This doesn't have to be complicated. But you have to make the intention to write, through it all, regardless.

We tend to make a lot of excuses for why we shouldn't write. We may be tired, have a lot to do, have stress at home, have a sick child, and so on. But what if we tried something different for a change? What if we tried to find excuses to write? What if we told our family that we can't attend a gathering, or go out to one more function?

If they ask why, you could tell them you have a previous appointment. And that appointment should be your writing.

So, today, see if you can find unique and creative ways to write. See if you can take the necessary time to devote to your writing so that you complete even one goal in December.

Try it!

Irene S. Roth
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