Sunny Irene Roth

Dec 5, 2010
Hi all,

Here is your lesson for this week.

As usual, please print off the file and then answer the questions. Please post them under this thread.

Take care, and have an awesome week!
Irene Roth


  • LESSON FOR JANUARY 14TH, 2019-new.docx
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I thought this was going to be a tricky one - and it was still trickier than I thought. Still, here's something to build on/from.


  • Daily schedule worksheet for January 14th.xlsx
    42.9 KB · Views: 5
Sunny Irene Roth
Sunny Irene Roth
Hi Thea,

Sorry for my delayed comments. I wasn't able to post comments for a few weeks here. It has now been straightened out.

I love how you color-coded your activities.

I also love how you slot in some YOU time during which you write. That is precisely what busy writers have to do. It can also be easier for you to have an excuse to do your writing. All you have to do is say you are taking some time for yourself and write! GREAT job!

And I especially like your large blocks time to write a few days a week. That is wonderful.

Keep up the GREAT work!
Irene Roth
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Here's my excel worksheet...already blown to bits by a snow day!


  • roth schedule.xlsx
    9.9 KB · Views: 4
Sunny Irene Roth
Sunny Irene Roth
Hi Julie,

Sorry in my delay in getting these comments to you. I couldn't post here for a few weeks. Finally, I am able to do so.

I love your timetable! I love your color coding, and I especially love the color yellow for writing. That is my color also in my excel schedule.

I hope you create a schedule like this for yourself every week. If you need to discuss this during our coaching session or any other time, please reach out to me.

Keep up the great work!
Irene Roth
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Here's my time log/planner schedule. As I mention in the document, it's really hard for me to choose set times because the baby is not on a set schedule, so I just go with, write during nap time, which can start anywhere between 11:30 and 2:30... I really need to get him on a set schedule, but sometimes he just won't sleep early.


  • 2 - Time Management - schedule 2.docx
    31.7 KB · Views: 4
Sunny Irene Roth
Sunny Irene Roth
Hi Mel,

Sorry for the delay in my responses to your assignment. I couldn't post my responses for a few weeks here in the forum for some reason. Things are back to normal now.

Okay, so, your life categories are great!

It can be hard to schedule your writing when the baby is napping and it is hard to know when Cillian will sleep on any particular day ahead of time. So, try working backwards. Track the times you write after you have written. Then jot them down and you can at least have a record of how much writing you are doing in a week. How does that sound? That can also give you inspiration to write more or less the same next week.

Add to this that your husband's schedule is all over the place, that can make it additionally difficult. I feel for you,and I am here for you anytime you need me. I can sprint with you anytime. You have my cell number, just text me. Hopefully, this will keep you committed and positive.

If you have any questions about my comments, please drop me an email.

Take care, Mel.
Irene Roth
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