1) I do learn from my mistakes. Half the time I am aware of them as I am doing them! I can correct some, but some I can't - FI my dog walking biz must be a priority as it pays the bills, that means I need to roll with how requests come in. CUstomers are always changing times and dates and do expect immediate service, which obviously means if I had writing or something else important scheduled then it gets dropped. Sometimes the rest of the day is so busy it can't be rescheduled.
2)I do make action plans -- in terms of a list. I should do more actually as they seem to work. I use Wunderlist app and Evernote. Sometimes I even set alarms on my phones!
4)No! I learned long ago in my professional career not to be married to my writing. Criticism doesn't always feel good, but good things usually come from it. ANd of course you need to be determined and persistent!
5)I love solitude! I don't get nearly enough lol
6)I am always multi-tasking. No idea how to stop without sacrificing sleep or adding 12 more hours to the day!
7)No, it took time to build up my dog walking business and to be writing outside of PR and newspapers that takes time to build too. Consistency is important.