Homework Lesson One Assignment: Please Post Here

Sunny Irene Roth

Dec 5, 2010
Hi all,

Please post your week 1 assignment here when it is ready.

Let me know if you have any questions.

See you at the live chat in a few hours!

~ Irene
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Began homeschooling oldest child
Preparing for husband to leave for five months of training; going to school
Quitting editor job and take an internship that offered more opportunities
Writing short stories through school, and submitting them
Participated in NaNo. T
Took two great vacations
Started DIY projects as another creative outlet.


It’s sad because I think I’m in much of the same place I was last year, but I’ve made some headway.
I’m preparing for my husband to leave for nine months
Still homeschooling oldest child (who is fairly self-sufficient in that regard)
I’ve moved up from an intern to an editorial assistant
I’ve two more weeks of school and then I’ve completed my BA in Creative Writing with a specialization in Fiction.
I am planning a vacation to Hawaii this summer
Helping my oldest (who will be 16) look for a job and get a car
I still write stories
I’m working on being more active on social media and getting a website going
I’m working on getting organized and more focused in all of my life, including my writing life

As for my writer's diary...I will use a notebook. And for the Yay Me! I think I am going to use a 3-ring binder with scrap book pages so I can add as needed.

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Yay Me file -- I am -- and have been collecting photos of my weight loss and fitness journey. Sometimes post on social media as member of FB and am a Beachbody coach.

Writing diary -- Phyiscal book. Write things as they come up. Also take notes on phone if needed (As in on the go)


My writing was not a priority. Paid writing/editing got done, but my own not so much. I have too many commitments, too many people "own" my time. This results in a constant changing of schedules, usually at the last minute. So even when I plan to write, something comes up that must be taken care. I am truly stuck in survival mode most days.


My writing is a priority. I am holding the line where I can on others messing with my time. I have started staying no "We agreed to 2 p.m. 3 p.m. doesn't work" etc.
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  • Health issue that affected focus and concentration (2+ year struggle), resolved via surgery in May.
  • 2nd health issue arose due to surgery for previous health issue (oh, joy!)
  • Despite second health issue, wrote 1 book
  • Found an awesome editor through one of Savvy classes
  • Focus and concentration greatly improved as months progressed
  • Discovered a plotting method that I was able to grasp and utilize
  • Searched for answers for 2nd health issue
  • Replaced office chair with a most awesome recliner
  • Received Treadmill Desk for Birthday
  • Made Diet changes
  • Lost 30 pounds (whoot!)
  • Grew quite reclusive
  • Enjoyed hubby and pets (had no idea I felt so bad that I lost that enjoyment)


  • Working on health issue, slow going, but search paid off and have positive guidance and direction
  • Polishing book written in 2015
  • Participating in Irene’s Mentoring Group and am looking forward to accountability and guidance
  • Visiting with dear friend first few days of the year, great way to start year
  • Spending more time with butt in chair and writing
  • Looking forward to setting realist goals for 2016
  • Connecting with most awesome writers through mentorship group (I’ve so missed and appreciate the interaction)
  • Starting Writing Diary and Yay Me Journey
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Began homeschooling oldest child
Preparing for husband to leave for five months of training; going to school
Quitting editor job and take an internship that offered more opportunities
Writing short stories through school, and submitting them
Participated in NaNo. T
Took two great vacations
Started DIY projects as another creative outlet.


It’s sad because I think I’m in much of the same place I was last year, but I’ve made some headway.
I’m preparing for my husband to leave for nine months
Still homeschooling oldest child (who is fairly self-sufficient in that regard)
I’ve moved up from an intern to an editorial assistant
I’ve two more weeks of school and then I’ve completed my BA in Creative Writing with a specialization in Fiction.
I am planning a vacation to Hawaii this summer
Helping my oldest (who will be 16) look for a job and get a car
I still write stories
I’m working on being more active on social media and getting a website going
I’m working on getting organized and more focused in all of my life, including my writing life

As for my writer's diary...I will use a notebook. And for the Yay Me! I think I am going to use a 3-ring binder with scrap book pages so I can add as needed.


Hi Greta!

I love your developmental processes between 2015 and 2016. There are many years where not much BIG happens. But we still tend to improve, even if it by small increments. Every little change in the right direction is indeed improvement.

The fact that you are working on getting more organized and focused is GREAT! That is a step in the right direction. I think the reason why organizing works so well is because it forces us to be more conscious of what we are doing and how we are going to do it. For instance, when we plan and organize our writing goals, we become conscious what we will accomplish in the next year or few months. And this then makes it possible for us to measure our success more effectively.

You can use a notebook for your writer's diary. Just decorate your diary and make it your own. You may want to put some special sayings or stickers that really motivate you. The same holds for your Yay Me journal! You want to have a place to write your accomplishments that will be inspiring and motivating.

Keep up the GREAT work!
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Not sure if I completed the lists right. I think I attached my file. For some reason I couldn't copy and paste here like I normally do. I hope the word doc attached properly.

Hi Tina!

Your word doc did attach properly...:) GREAT job!

Unfortunately, I am unable to attach my comments. So, I will email them to you.

I looks like you are onto a GREAT New Year!!!! YES!!!! How GREAT!!!!(y):)

~ Have a GREAT weekend!
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Yay Me file -- I am -- and have been collecting photos of my weight loss and fitness journey. Sometimes post on social media as member of FB and am a Beachbody coach.

Writing diary -- Phyiscal book. Write things as they come up. Also take notes on phone if needed (As in on the go)


My writing was not a priority. Paid writing/editing got done, but my own not so much. I have too many commitments, too many people "own" my time. This results in a constant changing of schedules, usually at the last minute. So even when I plan to write, something comes up that must be taken care. I am truly stuck in survival mode most days.


My writing is a priority. I am holding the line where I can on others messing with my time. I have started staying no "We agreed to 2 p.m. 3 p.m. doesn't work" etc.

Hi Colleen,

Making your writing a priority can be very hard. I encourage you to keep creating time boundaries around your writing time and telling family members ahead of time that you are going to write, and then when the time comes you have to go into your office and write. Good for you to create boundaries around 2 to 3 pm every afternoon. Keep setting up these boundaries.

We all learn from past hardships. And it looks like you are well on your way. GREAT job!

I will do a live chat on how to set boundaries with family.

Take care, and keep up the great work!
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  • Health issue that affected focus and concentration (2+ year struggle), resolved via surgery in May.
  • 2nd health issue arose due to surgery for previous health issue (oh, joy!) Oh!!! I am SO sorry!
  • Despite second health issue, wrote 1 book That is an awesome accomplishment!
  • Found an awesome editor through one of Savvy classes GREAT!
  • Focus and concentration greatly improved as months progressed
  • Discovered a plotting method that I was able to grasp and utilize
  • Searched for answers for 2nd health issue
  • Replaced office chair with a most awesome recliner
  • Received Treadmill Desk for Birthday How wonderful!!!!
  • Made Diet changes GREAT!!!
  • Lost 30 pounds (whoot!) GREAT!!!
  • Grew quite reclusive
  • Enjoyed hubby and pets (had no idea I felt so bad that I lost that enjoyment)


  • Working on health issue, slow going, but search paid off and have positive guidance and direction Wonderful! That is always a plus when you feel more in control of your health issues!
  • Polishing book written in 2015 That is GREAT!
  • Participating in Irene’s Mentoring Group and am looking forward to accountability and guidance You will certainly get both!
  • Visiting with dear friend first few days of the year, great way to start year
  • Spending more time with butt in chair and writing (y)
  • Looking forward to setting realist goals for 2016 One of the most important measures of success in your writing is to set realistic and measurable goals. Look for that mini-lesson next week in our lessons.
  • Connecting with most awesome writers through mentorship group (I’ve so missed and appreciate the interaction) I am SO glad!
  • Starting Writing Diary and Yay Me Journey I hope you really enjoy that.

It sounds like this year is starting a lot better for you! That is so wonderful.

I made my comments on your assignment above.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

~ Talk to you soon!
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Started my Twitter and FB presence for Jenna Penrose, Writer
Revised my third book (Running Hot) and submitted to the Savvy pitchfest and PitMad.
Accepted representation by an agent
Had to withdraw from the RWA conference because of family issues
Sent Running Hot out on submission to publishers (no news, yet)
Intended to start revisions on book #4
DayJob eats a lot of my time
Kids are challenging
Many nights so stressed I don't want to write
Joined cheapo gym, but sporadic attendance
Completed book #5 in NaNoWriMo
Joined a group of writers to create "Romance on the Rocks" social media presence

Got a fitness tracker. Goal of 10,000 steps/day (for starters)
In February will add a gym goal
Joined Pintrest: will work to integrate
Will revise/freshen website
Trying my hand at a thriller proposal/project--it's due in Feb.
Will revise book #4
Maybe try summer NaNoWriMo
Weekly support with other writers online
Attend "Tuesday Night Writes" at least 2x a month
I'm going to force myself to be optimistic and say that 2016 is the year I contract a book.
November NaNoWriMo

I think I'll use a 3 ring binder for "Go Me!" and put some of the nice rejections I've received. (They really did say nice stuff even if they didn't buy.) I'm also going to put the "Think Positive" message from the chat on Weds.

Writers' Journal: probably a simple Composition book. I tend to drag one with me everywhere. (I have to flesh this out a bit more, since it's not part of my normal habits.)
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E Gads. Is it possible to be in the same place two years in a row? I keep a yearly planner so it wasn't difficult to go back and see what I did and what I didn't.
I'll spare everyone the details but it was a year of family drama, crisis and my own health probems that simple ran me to the ground and I dropped out of the class at the end of October. I just couldn't keep up and I was exhausted with life as it was. One ER trip after another.
Anyway, I did manage 3 contests and won first place in one of them. I was so focused on other things that I never told anyone. I did enter the Golden Heart contest but accidently sent in the rough and not the edited novel.
I was more that embarrassed, but now I look back and think, well no wonder I didn't win. ;)

So, for 2016 I started off in December. I didn't want to fall on my face January 1st.
I decided on writing and health goals. I think I have my family, friends and spiritual goals nailed down a bit too tight.
But I am working on times to write. My scedule is dicey because of doctors and family, but I have decided to carry around a notebook for those times. I'm also working on keeping things simple. Everything in our house is in sheer chaos and I think my husband may be a bit of a hoarder, so I will need to work from my office and stay focused.

For a diary, I am using the lower part of my franklin covery 1 page compact. It's not a lot of room, but it keeps it all in one place.
My yay me file will be kept in a 3 ring binder where I am keeping this classroom. I've organized this binder by months so that I will be able to go back to contests I've entered, class notes and yay me happenings.
Hopefully this will simplfy and organize my files once and for all.

Oh by the way, I have to mention my favorite highlighting tool.
It's Pentel Art 8 color automatic pencil assorted accent clip color. It's $11 on Amazon. It's 8 colors in one retractable pencil and used to advertised as a bible highlighter so it is still in Christian bookstores.
What I love about it is that I can hightlight things as I read them. The pencil is light so it doesn't smother your type and with 8 colors you have plenty to choose from. The only catch is do not let your children play with them. My son destroyed several of mine by playing with them. You have to follow the simple directions to keep it from snaping the leads.
Anyway, just thought I'd pass that on.
See you guys tomorrow!
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Originally, I was going to take the option of not posting because the questions seemed so difficult to entertain. But then, why else did I sign up again if not to get the benefits of participation. :unsure: So here goes....

2015 - I started off in a good writing place - despite personal challenges
  • Rededicated myself to writing classes
  • Participated in Savvy Bootcamp; didn't finish, but came up with an idea for a novella related to my multi-year on-and-off again WIP (Yay!)
  • Enrolled in Irene's Writer's Block class and was invited to join her Mentor group
  • Purchased a writing desk and set out to make office more user friendly
  • Joined gym in July with hubby - little participation since August
  • Spent 2 long weekends at Walt Disney World (we're Annual Passholders & FL residents)
  • Through everything we went through, hubby and I stuck together.
  • The company I worked for began the merger with its former competition - pressure and the fear of the unknown increased tension (I'd been there 12 years)
  • All of our family lives in RI or MA, and after a lengthy battle, my dad passed on Valentine's Day. The misery was deepened by a harrowing drive up and back in severe wintery conditions, and was also a badly-timed expense
  • The next month, under similar conditions, hubby drove up alone to RI as his brother was in ICU
  • Health issues: I began experiencing debilitating migraines, also fractured my toe later in the year, and have had bouts of bursitis in my hips
  • Learned in September, that my position was being eliminated as of the end of the year - despite having been told it would not.
  • My aunt, who had been like a second mother when I was younger, passed unexpectedly in September. Due to financial concerns, we did not make the trip.
  • Throughout the year, both my MIL and BIL have experienced significant health issues - but we know we cannot hop in the car & drive 1200 miles every time something happens.
  • Admittedly - I lost my focus when it came to writing, my health, AND my weight.
  • At end of year, I found myself unemployed for the first time in a long time - but fortunately with 3 months of severance.
  • Hubby and I spent a lot of time together during the days between Christmas and New Year's, but it felt strange and scary.
2016 - A whole new world
  • After much thought, I rejoined Irene's mentor group. Boy, do I ever need it. No brooding over what I didn't do.
  • It's already the 11th of January, and I have not progressed beyond a rudimentary resume - Perfection and paralysis analysis at their worst. Every morning I say I'm going to start, but....
  • The job loss is not all gloom, though... I have felt better about myself and no longer have the stress of being at a place I'd come to despise. Maybe I can find something that doesn't suck the life out of me - and won't pay too much less than what I was making
  • I've spent many of the last few days decluttering drawers, closets, cupboards (some on my own, and some with hubby's help). It's amazing how much stuff we had, but had never used since at least the time we've been in FL (almost 16 years). It is so freeing. And the office is organized and truly now only contains items I need and/or love. This is a WIN for me, because projects like this always seemed too overwhelming.
    • I do admit - I am an all or nothing type of person - and now have to tamp down the need to totally finish decluttering before doing ANYTHING else. Instead of a little at a time.(going thru files, folders, emails, etc.)
    • I had so many pens, sticky pads, etc., I could have opened an Office Supply store
  • Bursitis is finally clearing up & I'm hoping to get back to the gym in the next couple of weeks - Can't use lack of time as an excuse. Might even force myself to go w/o hubby
  • Need to create a plans for health, weight, spending, writing and reading - AND job search
  • Need to put up sayings that inspire ME in the office

I have not completed a book, yet. And though I like the idea of a writing journal, I'm still not quite sure what I would use it for. Need some help on this one, coach.
  • Thoughts from the chats? Inspirational sayings, ideas? Progress or lack of and why? Ideas for future WIP's and things to research later? Feelings from the day's writing?
  • Am I on the right path? I'm a visual person, and sometimes don't immediately grasp "ideas."
  • This one truly has me at a loss.
  • I have not completed a WIP. I don't have clients, editors, reviews, photos, etc.
  • Maybe this is something to hope for after I've finally written "The End"
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Started my Twitter and FB presence for Jenna Penrose, Writer Wonderful!
Revised my third book (Running Hot) and submitted to the Savvy pitchfest and PitMad. This is GREAT!
Accepted representation by an agent This is a big feat! I am SO glad for you!
Had to withdraw from the RWA conference because of family issues Sorry about that. Hopefully you can apply again this year.
Sent Running Hot out on submission to publishers (no news, yet) I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
Intended to start revisions on book #4
DayJob eats a lot of my time It does, doesn't it! One step forward....just keep going in small increments...
Kids are challenging
Many nights so stressed I don't want to write
Joined cheapo gym, but sporadic attendance
Completed book #5 in NaNoWriMo Congratulations!!!!(y)
Joined a group of writers to create "Romance on the Rocks" social media presence

Got a fitness tracker. Goal of 10,000 steps/day (for starters) GREAT!!!!
In February will add a gym goal Wonderful!
Joined Pintrest: will work to integrate
Will revise/freshen website GREAT!!
Trying my hand at a thriller proposal/project--it's due in Feb. Good luck! Let me know how it turns out.
Will revise book #4
Maybe try summer NaNoWriMo We will have one running in our group. Stay tuned....
Weekly support with other writers online
Attend "Tuesday Night Writes" at least 2x a month
I'm going to force myself to be optimistic and say that 2016 is the year I contract a book. Optimism can be a choice that we make and a mindset we can all learn to make our own. It can be hard at first, but it is possible.
November NaNoWriMo GREAT!!!

I think I'll use a 3 ring binder for "Go Me!" and put some of the nice rejections I've received. (They really did say nice stuff even if they didn't buy.) I'm also going to put the "Think Positive" message from the chat on Weds. GREAT!

Writers' Journal: probably a simple Composition book. I tend to drag one with me everywhere. (I have to flesh this out a bit more, since it's not part of my normal habits.) Good for you! I use the same! And it works.

Hi Jenna,

I love your goals. Sounds like you have a very productive year last year! GREAT!!! Good Job!!!

I love your goals for this year. I think they are doable and wonderful!

I left my comments throughout!

~ Irene
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Originally, I was going to take the option of not posting because the questions seemed so difficult to entertain. But then, why else did I sign up again if not to get the benefits of participation. :unsure: So here goes....

2015 - I started off in a good writing place - despite personal challenges GREAT!
  • Rededicated myself to writing classes GREAT!
  • Participated in Savvy Bootcamp; didn't finish, but came up with an idea for a novella related to my multi-year on-and-off again WIP (Yay!) That can go into your Yay Me! File
  • Enrolled in Irene's Writer's Block class and was invited to join her Mentor group GREAT!
  • Purchased a writing desk and set out to make office more user friendly That is wonderful!
  • Joined gym in July with hubby - little participation since August
  • Spent 2 long weekends at Walt Disney World (we're Annual Passholders & FL residents) Nice!
  • Through everything we went through, hubby and I stuck together. That should go in your Yay me! file too! That is wonderful! I am SO SO glad for you both!
  • The company I worked for began the merger with its former competition - pressure and the fear of the unknown increased tension (I'd been there 12 years)
  • All of our family lives in RI or MA, and after a lengthy battle, my dad passed on Valentine's Day. The misery was deepened by a harrowing drive up and back in severe wintery conditions, and was also a badly-timed expense I am SO SORRY for your loss! And yes the bad driving would make it a lot worse.
  • The next month, under similar conditions, hubby drove up alone to RI as his brother was in ICU Oh wow! Not too much of a break for you huh? I am SO sorry!!
  • Health issues: I began experiencing debilitating migraines, also fractured my toe later in the year, and have had bouts of bursitis in my hips OUCH!!! I have been there with all of these. I feel for you. Self-care is the recipe for you!
  • Learned in September, that my position was being eliminated as of the end of the year - despite having been told it would not. That is sad!
  • My aunt, who had been like a second mother when I was younger, passed unexpectedly in September. Due to financial concerns, we did not make the trip. I am SO sorry. That can be so sad.
  • Throughout the year, both my MIL and BIL have experienced significant health issues - but we know we cannot hop in the car & drive 1200 miles every time something happens.
  • Admittedly - I lost my focus when it came to writing, my health, AND my weight. Oh it happens.
  • At end of year, I found myself unemployed for the first time in a long time - but fortunately with 3 months of severance. That is a blessing.
  • Hubby and I spent a lot of time together during the days between Christmas and New Year's, but it felt strange and scary. That can be difficult.
2016 - A whole new world
  • After much thought, I rejoined Irene's mentor group. Boy, do I ever need it. No brooding over what I didn't do. Yay!!!!!!
  • It's already the 11th of January, and I have not progressed beyond a rudimentary resume - Perfection and paralysis analysis at their worst. Every morning I say I'm going to start, but....You will get there
  • The job loss is not all gloom, though... I have felt better about myself and no longer have the stress of being at a place I'd come to despise. Maybe I can find something that doesn't suck the life out of me - and won't pay too much less than what I was making Oh Alisa!!! It sounds like you had to leave that job anyways!
  • I've spent many of the last few days decluttering drawers, closets, cupboards (some on my own, and some with hubby's help). It's amazing how much stuff we had, but had never used since at least the time we've been in FL (almost 16 years). It is so freeing. And the office is organized and truly now only contains items I need and/or love. This is a WIN for me, because projects like this always seemed too overwhelming.
    • I do admit - I am an all or nothing type of person - and now have to tamp down the need to totally finish decluttering before doing ANYTHING else. Instead of a little at a time.(going thru files, folders, emails, etc.) GREAT
    • I had so many pens, sticky pads, etc., I could have opened an Office Supply store All writers do....
  • Bursitis is finally clearing up & I'm hoping to get back to the gym in the next couple of weeks - Can't use lack of time as an excuse. Might even force myself to go w/o hubby GREAT!
  • Need to create a plans for health, weight, spending, writing and reading - AND job search GREAT!
  • Need to put up sayings that inspire ME in the office GREAT!

I have not completed a book, yet. And though I like the idea of a writing journal, I'm still not quite sure what I would use it for. Need some help on this one, coach. I will be talking about that with you during our coaching call.
  • Thoughts from the chats? Inspirational sayings, ideas? Progress or lack of and why? Ideas for future WIP's and things to research later? Feelings from the day's writing?
  • Am I on the right path? I'm a visual person, and sometimes don't immediately grasp "ideas." Yes sure, that would work. Put anything that you need to remember or to understand. I use my writing journal for so many reasons. I will discuss this during our live chat this week.
YAY ME! FILE See notes below
  • This one truly has me at a loss.
  • I have not completed a WIP. I don't have clients, editors, reviews, photos, etc.
  • Maybe this is something to hope for after I've finally written "The End"

Hi Alisa!

First of all, congratulations for completing this assignment. You can post anytime, and I hope you learned a lot from the exercise.

I have put my comments above.

But I do want to just mention something about the Yay Me file. It doesn't have to be major good news that you put there. It could be that you wrote 3 out of 5 days a week for a few weeks, or that you did something that you didn't expect to do. It doesn't have to be having an agent or getting a book deal or a contract. I will talk more about that during our coaching call.

~ Keep up the good work!
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EXACTLY, Alisa! All of us are working through this on different schedules. Always post, you teach or inspire the rest of us every single time. Nicely done!

I am also on "delay" and will get mine up ASAP :D

GREAT Kathleen!

I will be looking out for it!

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E Gads. Is it possible to be in the same place two years in a row? I keep a yearly planner so it wasn't difficult to go back and see what I did and what I didn't.
I'll spare everyone the details but it was a year of family drama, crisis and my own health probems that simple ran me to the ground and I dropped out of the class at the end of October. I just couldn't keep up and I was exhausted with life as it was. One ER trip after another. Oh Caren. Yes, you could be. I know I sometimes spent a few years in the same place, but then there was a BIG movement in my writing life. I expect that for you. I am SO deeply sorry for all of your grief. I know first hand how hard that can be. Please know that you are in my prayers.
Anyway, I did manage 3 contests and won first place in one of them. GREAT! Put that in your Yay Me! file! I was so focused on other things that I never told anyone. I did enter the Golden Heart contest but accidently sent in the rough and not the edited novel. Oh that is such a heartbreak! I am SO SO sorry!
I was more that embarrassed, but now I look back and think, well no wonder I didn't win. ;)

So, for 2016 I started off in December. I didn't want to fall on my face January 1st. GREAT! I always start in December too!
I decided on writing and health goals. I think I have my family, friends and spiritual goals nailed down a bit too tight.
But I am working on times to write. GREAT! My schedule is dicey because of doctors and family, but I have decided to carry around a notebook for those times. GREAT! I'm also working on keeping things simple. That is best! Everything in our house is in sheer chaos and I think my husband may be a bit of a hoarder, so I will need to work from my office and stay focused.GREAT! Just work in your office!

For a diary, I am using the lower part of my franklin covey 1 page compact. It's not a lot of room, but it keeps it all in one place. You may want to get a bigger one in time. I will talk to you about that at a later date.
My yay me file will be kept in a 3 ring binder where I am keeping this classroom. GREAT!!! I've organized this binder by months so that I will be able to go back to contests I've entered, class notes and yay me happenings.
Hopefully this will simplfy and organize my files once and for all.

Oh by the way, I have to mention my favorite highlighting tool. OH!!! what a GREAT tip!!! I will definitely get one!
It's Pentel Art 8 color automatic pencil assorted accent clip color. It's $11 on Amazon. It's 8 colors in one retractable pencil and used to advertised as a bible highlighter so it is still in Christian bookstores.
What I love about it is that I can hightlight things as I read them. The pencil is light so it doesn't smother your type and with 8 colors you have plenty to choose from. The only catch is do not let your children play with them. My son destroyed several of mine by playing with them. You have to follow the simple directions to keep it from snaping the leads.
Anyway, just thought I'd pass that on.
See you guys tomorrow!

Hi Caren,

Many writers have different seasons. And it looks like you were in a season of writing where there is so much going on in your life. Try and make sure not to beat yourself up. Many writers are at the same place for years, and then all of a sudden they have an opening in their writing lives that they never thought possible. I am SURE you will hit that soon. Just keep positive.

I have added a lot of my comments above. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Take care,
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Inspired by Caren's magical multicolor pencil, I see myself working my way across the arcs of the writing rainbow, headed towards Irene's favorite (and mine): violet.
So let's say I started 2015 in a field of orange poppies. By the end I was hugging life-size yellow sunflowers. Here's how it played out:

Family and relationships
  • Start of 2015: Focused on daughter Cait's upcoming wedding
  • Start of 2016:Wedding was fantastic (in May) but a little bittersweet because my husband's heart valve started really failing in February and had to be replaced. He put it off until after the wedding but the only dance he could do was the father-daughter sway. Surgery in June went well, he recovered over the summer and by October he was good as new. So: this goes in my yay file ;). As does Cait and Luis moving in across the street from us in August, and announcing an upcoming baby in September. Pregnancy has been complicated but she's hanging in there, still carrying one of the twins and now she's into 3rd trimester and baby is due early spring. Another yay.
  • Start of 2015: Huge problems due to conflict between how much I'd recovered (from TBI's at work) and how much more I needed to recover in order to do my job. For a while I wasn't paid, then I was at a lower salary, and when the wedding came we had to borrow money from our 18 year old daughter to make final payments! Sigh.
  • Start of 2016: Money issues worked out with my job. They didn't take me back but did give me a disability retirement that allows me to stay home full time and take care of myself, my kids, and explore other career options. We paid back said daughter with interest by summer and by the end of the year were caught up again on all bills and had paid off a few. Hallelujah! Another yay.
  • Start of 2015: I didn't actively work on this last year, and didn't really think I had one.
  • Start of 2016: At our end of the year CT RWA holiday party a few people came up to me to say I'd done a really great job on our NaNo group (a separate one from Boot camp, we got 2nd nationally) and they finished their book or met their goals because of the communal spirit. The president asked me to run crit group and PRO grop because she could rely on me, etc. I felt like I wasn't flying under the radar and now I have to live up to expectations, which is (mostly) a good thing.
  • Start of 2015: I was struggling with my blog, which has a decent-sized audience but has an evolving focus that makes it hard to get a keep a core readership.
  • Start of 2016: I went all-in on my most consistent audience, which is injured vets looking for info on head injury recovery. In October I did a 30-day, 30-post series that nearly slayed me about my struggles with cognitive restructuring. It was frightening because--basically--the best way to help your brain recover is to believe wholeheartedly that there's nothing actually wrong with it except dysfunctional pathways which can be reworked. And I expected to be attacked by those thinking I was saying their brain injuries weren't "real" but psychological. But those who disagreed largely stayed silent, letting me have my opinion. And over time I think this will become a powerful treatment for some people. It's not easy, mind you, but it's great to feel in control and I did make a lot of significant progress in cognitive and speech therapy, which is unusual this late in the game (my head injuries were 3, 5 and 7 years ago). So I think the risk paid off, and I'm proud I made myself vulnerable despite my fears. That's important for writers, and I also wrote more blog posts in October than in the prior 18 months combined. So that boosted my confidence too. I decided for 2016 to go visual and I stared a my_365 instagram project that's been really fun and made social media more fun than pressure so far. I get new followers every day, which is fun, and I learn a lot from others' posts. I also went to a scrapbooking crop last weekend where I took the dive into multimedia art journals, which I've been really drawn to. For Caitlin's bridal shower I drew 100 personalized name Zentangles and it gave me confidence to develop a doodling, zentangley art style that's relaxing and invigorating simultaneously. It all seems an auspicious start to the year :).
Charity and volunteer work
  • Start of 2015: I'm not sure I'd call it volunteer work, but Mark and I were starting the process of becoming foster parents
  • Start of 2016: We've had our foster son Hunter (he's 16) for 10 months now and I really love the guy. We were foster parents way-back-when, which is how we adopted 4 kids in addition to our 4 biological kids but we were recruited by this really lovely guy named Pat O'Brien from Wendy's Wonderful Kids and once we spent time with Hunter it was impossible to let go. There are lots of issues (he's autistic, has psychotic episodes, has significant developmental delays and a very messy family situation) but none of them outweigh how much he tries to do good and be good--his inherent sweetness. I do spend an awful lot of time with social workers, psychiatrists, case workers, lawyers, special ed personnel, therapists and mentors (plus doing Legos) but this hasn't felt like a sacrifice. We're all just trying to help him, and that teamwork makes it all a lot easier.
Writing vision
  • Start of 2015: I had a vision of revising all my WIP's and submitting them last year. It was a lovely vision.
  • Start of 2016: I submitted to two contests, and finaled in one. I went to RWA and got two full requests that I did not send yet. I entered the Emily and finaled (I finaled last year too) and I finished a new MS in December in YA, which I haven't written in awhile. My vision for this year is to focus on one project at a time and work on it until completion rather than working on five (at this point) that each need significant revisions. So I'm working on the one I have the full requests on, and I submitted that one to the Golden Hearts (my first). Like Caren, it was a bit of a rush at the end and my synopsis is really short so this is not my best effort, but I went with "done is better than perfect" and submitted anyway. Another way I'm being brave ;-).
  • Start of 2015: Part of the "MindChange" project I began for myself last year was asking God for clarity.
  • Start of 2016: He provided some, in the phrase "wherever you are is where you should be." Those words centered me, so that I've stopped spinning so much and thinking "what am I supposed to be doing now?" By the end of the year I'd dug deep into my writing process and outlined a Story Bible format that organized what before had been a mishmash of ideas and guidelines into a road map. I chose the Get Things Done program for my productivity and have a daily journal to track my plan and my accomplishments each day. I have a writer's journal by my bed, I met my goal of reading 120 books on the GoodReads challenge, I met my blog post minimums, and I got a VivoFit to track steps so I average 10,000 or more daily each week. I took a class that helped my NaNo book be more focused (Suzanne Johnson's Quilting a Story class, recommended by Tina or Kathleen, I think ;-)) and I worked hard in Irene's class to learn more about how to overcome writing hurdles. Most importantly, I have been writing a minimum of 1000k/day for about 4 months now and it's really settled my anxiety and sleep. The blog project proved to me I could get a post done even if it was 11pm, if I really wanted to. And I did, and I really do want to write at least 1k a day (that's the minimum that feels like progress), whether it's new writing or a re-written scene and it's no longer "if" I'll write in the course of a busy day, it's "when." God was super generous once I asked for help ;-).
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At the start of 2015 we left our cozy home in Ohio and traveled to sunny and warm--we thought--St. Helena Island, SC where we rented a remote, very old caretaker's house located on the edge of an old plantation. Disastrous would be a little strong to describe the house, after all we did have our own private beach, but the house, furniture and appliances were ancient. There was also a robust family of chameleons living in the house which our two Labs enjoyed chasing and thankfully never caught. However, we'd paid our money and had to make the best of our two months.

I came prepared to work and brought my laptop, an almost finished manuscript and all the necessary files and data. I set up shop in the dining room and took over the table--we are casual and dine in front of the TV. I had gotten back my digital rights back to my first book, Maybe Too Good to Be True, and had released it in digital format and print and was comfortable with the process. Now I was in the final stages of working with my editor to get my second book, The Truth About Lilly, polished and released on Valentine's Day. My blog appearances were set and review tour was in place. Sales began slowly and stayed flat. I needed help but floundered beneath the weight of my insecurity. I built a new web site and took some marketing workshops and still felt overwhelmed and inefficient. Giving up never enters my mind. I began my third book that winter and made some good progress. When we returned home I fell off the "writing" wagon and still haven't finished the book. My goal was to release it this summer but I didn't stick to it.

Family and Relationships
Spending the winter in South Carolina had an added bonus of being a destination our friends and family could share with us. For two months we had a fairly steady stream of visitors which my husband and I really enjoyed. Our daughter and her husband were married last year before in Charleston and they spent a night there before coming to the beach house to see us.

Travel is one of my favorite things to do. My husband, daughter and I have gone to Chicago before Christmas for 20 years. We do Michigan Avenue and enjoy the sights and eat at our favorite restaurants. We also go to Green Bay, Wisconsin for several Packer football games. My husband really enjoys seeing all of his old school friends. In May we took our daughter on a cruise to Alaska (her husband is still in school or he would have gone too) and it was one of the best family trips we have ever taken.

My target demographic was women 40 to 60.

I will just say that in 2015 I didn't get serious about losing weight and becoming more active. Now I have to do it to be around for my family.


This is going to be a year of commitment and change. Last year I identified problems, this year I am finding solutions.

This year I am going to work hard to be more targeted and efficient. Currently I have one stand alone book, "Maybe Too Good To Be True" and "The Truth About Lilly" which is the first book in my Shores of Lake Champlain series. I plan to do a light rewrite of "Maybe" and make it book I of the series and change "Lilly" to book 2 in the series. When "Shadow" is completed it will come out as book 3. I plan to release my Christmas novella in November as a free prequel to the Shores of Lake Champlain series. My writing blocks of time are sacrosanct. I know the writing has to come first and the marketing second. I tend to over commit on workshops then stress about getting everything done. I have three going on now. After I finish two of them, I will be down to Irene's mentoring class.

I realize that my demo of women 40 to 60 is too broad. I will move towards two niche markets--small town living and dog lovers. I am going to make those two niches the focus of my blogs and become a frequent visitor and comment on Facebook pages about Labradors, pet rescues and small town festivals, events and small town life in general.

Family and Relationships
I am going to be a grandmother late this summer and am filled with pure joy. What better reason to get healthy so I can keep up with an active child. My best friend in NOrth Carolina has just become a grandmother and is bringing me up to speed on what her life is like now. Our extended family is spread all over the country from Seattle to Chicago to Jacksonville, Florida. I want to get around to seeing all of them this year. Two of them have health conditions which prevent them from traveling, so it's up to me to make the trip. We live 100 miles from our children and I would like to be closer. Not sure if I can inspire my husband to make that decision.
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Inspired by Caren's magical multicolor pencil, I see myself working my way across the arcs of the writing rainbow, headed towards Irene's favorite (and mine): violet.
So let's say I started 2015 in a field of orange poppies. By the end I was hugging life-size yellow sunflowers. Here's how it played out:

Family and relationships
  • Start of 2015: Focused on daughter Cait's upcoming wedding
  • Start of 2016:Wedding was fantastic (in May) but a little bittersweet because my husband's heart valve started really failing in February and had to be replaced. He put it off until after the wedding but the only dance he could do was the father-daughter sway. Surgery in June went well, he recovered over the summer and by October he was good as new. So: this goes in my yay file ;). As does Cait and Luis moving in across the street from us in August, and announcing an upcoming baby in September. Pregnancy has been complicated but she's hanging in there, still carrying one of the twins and now she's into 3rd trimester and baby is due early spring. Another yay.
  • Start of 2015: Huge problems due to conflict between how much I'd recovered (from TBI's at work) and how much more I needed to recover in order to do my job. For a while I wasn't paid, then I was at a lower salary, and when the wedding came we had to borrow money from our 18 year old daughter to make final payments! Sigh.
  • Start of 2016: Money issues worked out with my job. They didn't take me back but did give me a disability retirement that allows me to stay home full time and take care of myself, my kids, and explore other career options. We paid back said daughter with interest by summer and by the end of the year were caught up again on all bills and had paid off a few. Hallelujah! Another yay.
  • Start of 2015: I didn't actively work on this last year, and didn't really think I had one.
  • Start of 2016: At our end of the year CT RWA holiday party a few people came up to me to say I'd done a really great job on our NaNo group (a separate one from Boot camp, we got 2nd nationally) and they finished their book or met their goals because of the communal spirit. The president asked me to run crit group and PRO grop because she could rely on me, etc. I felt like I wasn't flying under the radar and now I have to live up to expectations, which is (mostly) a good thing.
  • Start of 2015: I was struggling with my blog, which has a decent-sized audience but has an evolving focus that makes it hard to get a keep a core readership.
  • Start of 2016: I went all-in on my most consistent audience, which is injured vets looking for info on head injury recovery. In October I did a 30-day, 30-post series that nearly slayed me about my struggles with cognitive restructuring. It was frightening because--basically--the best way to help your brain recover is to believe wholeheartedly that there's nothing actually wrong with it except dysfunctional pathways which can be reworked. And I expected to be attacked by those thinking I was saying their brain injuries weren't "real" but psychological. But those who disagreed largely stayed silent, letting me have my opinion. And over time I think this will become a powerful treatment for some people. It's not easy, mind you, but it's great to feel in control and I did make a lot of significant progress in cognitive and speech therapy, which is unusual this late in the game (my head injuries were 3, 5 and 7 years ago). So I think the risk paid off, and I'm proud I made myself vulnerable despite my fears. That's important for writers, and I also wrote more blog posts in October than in the prior 18 months combined. So that boosted my confidence too. I decided for 2016 to go visual and I stared a my_365 instagram project that's been really fun and made social media more fun than pressure so far. I get new followers every day, which is fun, and I learn a lot from others' posts. I also went to a scrapbooking crop last weekend where I took the dive into multimedia art journals, which I've been really drawn to. For Caitlin's bridal shower I drew 100 personalized name Zentangles and it gave me confidence to develop a doodling, zentangley art style that's relaxing and invigorating simultaneously. It all seems an auspicious start to the year :).
Charity and volunteer work
  • Start of 2015: I'm not sure I'd call it volunteer work, but Mark and I were starting the process of becoming foster parents
  • Start of 2016: We've had our foster son Hunter (he's 16) for 10 months now and I really love the guy. We were foster parents way-back-when, which is how we adopted 4 kids in addition to our 4 biological kids but we were recruited by this really lovely guy named Pat O'Brien from Wendy's Wonderful Kids and once we spent time with Hunter it was impossible to let go. There are lots of issues (he's autistic, has psychotic episodes, has significant developmental delays and a very messy family situation) but none of them outweigh how much he tries to do good and be good--his inherent sweetness. I do spend an awful lot of time with social workers, psychiatrists, case workers, lawyers, special ed personnel, therapists and mentors (plus doing Legos) but this hasn't felt like a sacrifice. We're all just trying to help him, and that teamwork makes it all a lot easier.
Writing vision
  • Start of 2015: I had a vision of revising all my WIP's and submitting them last year. It was a lovely vision.
  • Start of 2016: I submitted to two contests, and finaled in one. I went to RWA and got two full requests that I did not send yet. I entered the Emily and finaled (I finaled last year too) and I finished a new MS in December in YA, which I haven't written in awhile. My vision for this year is to focus on one project at a time and work on it until completion rather than working on five (at this point) that each need significant revisions. So I'm working on the one I have the full requests on, and I submitted that one to the Golden Hearts (my first). Like Caren, it was a bit of a rush at the end and my synopsis is really short so this is not my best effort, but I went with "done is better than perfect" and submitted anyway. Another way I'm being brave ;-).
  • Start of 2015: Part of the "MindChange" project I began for myself last year was asking God for clarity.
  • Start of 2016: He provided some, in the phrase "wherever you are is where you should be." Those words centered me, so that I've stopped spinning so much and thinking "what am I supposed to be doing now?" By the end of the year I'd dug deep into my writing process and outlined a Story Bible format that organized what before had been a mishmash of ideas and guidelines into a road map. I chose the Get Things Done program for my productivity and have a daily journal to track my plan and my accomplishments each day. I have a writer's journal by my bed, I met my goal of reading 120 books on the GoodReads challenge, I met my blog post minimums, and I got a VivoFit to track steps so I average 10,000 or more daily each week. I took a class that helped my NaNo book be more focused (Suzanne Johnson's Quilting a Story class, recommended by Tina or Kathleen, I think ;-)) and I worked hard in Irene's class to learn more about how to overcome writing hurdles. Most importantly, I have been writing a minimum of 1000k/day for about 4 months now and it's really settled my anxiety and sleep. The blog project proved to me I could get a post done even if it was 11pm, if I really wanted to. And I did, and I really do want to write at least 1k a day (that's the minimum that feels like progress), whether it's new writing or a re-written scene and it's no longer "if" I'll write in the course of a busy day, it's "when." God was super generous once I asked for help ;-).
I'm exhausted and inspired by what all you have been through and are doing Lisa! But I love your last sentence! God was super generous once I asked for help. Isn't that the truth. It makes me wonder why I always ask Him last. ;)
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