Make Success a Habit

Sunny Irene Roth

Dec 5, 2010
Writers need to constantly strive for improvement.

Try to become a better writer each time you sit down to write something.

Don't give any thought to completing the work at hand.

Just concentrate on making it the best work it can be at the moment.

When you do that, something amazing happens.

It's as if the world slows down while you work peacefully in your own contented bubble.

If you're a writer who always works quickly – one who always has an eye on the clock as you're writing – it may take some time and practice before you CAN slow down and totally focus on the work itself and not simply worry about finishing it.

But once you do manage to focus on the work – and not on the finish line – you'll know it because it will be an entirely NEW feeling for you.

Make Success a Habit
1. Create one goal that you'd like to reach.

Make this goal very clear and concise, so you know exactly what you want to achieve. You may have other goals. But right now, focus only on this one major goal. Write it down on an index card. Carry that card with your everywhere, so you're constantly reminded of what you want to achieve.

2. Start thinking ONLY of what you want (your goal).

Let go of any reasons why you can't reach your goal. Instead, think of all the reasons you can be successful at reaching this one goal.

Most people talk themselves out of their goals before they ever take consistent action. If you notice you're starting to do that, replace any negative thoughts with positive thoughts about reaching your goal.

It may take a while, but eventually positive thinking about your goal will become a habit. And we all know, we get what we think about. Think about success, so that is what you will get.

3. Take consistent action to reach your goal.

Do you want to be a best-selling author? Then start writing your first or next novel. Don't worry about finding an agent or publisher for it right now. Just write it! If you've written a novel and can't seem to find an agent or publisher for it, start writing another novel. Many best-selling authors wrote many novels before they made their first sale to an agent or editor.

People who are successful at one thing tend to be successful at many things. That's because they make success a habit.

You can make success a habit, too.
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