Reflect on your Lessons and Learnings

Sunny Irene Roth

Dec 5, 2010
Hi ladies!

Over the next week, I am going to continue nudging you to think more about 2020 and how your writing went.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

1. Were you as successful as you wanted to be? Did you complete all your goals, or most of them?
2. What were some of the obstacles to completing your goals?
3. What can you do differently this year to ensure that you don't have the same writing difficulties?
4. What lessons did you learn along the way?
5. Is there one consistent action that you can take this year to ensure that you are more successful?

Please take the time to really reflect on these questions. You may want to answer these questions in your writer's journal. Then when we meet for our coaching session this month, you will be able to let me know how I can help you be your best and what actions you plan to take to make this coming year so much better than your last year.

Try to have fun with this process. Its not meant to put you down or to throw you into a negative spiral. But I believe you have to assess where you are in your writing career, given all your obstacles, and how you can take some new concrete and consistent steps to ensure that you move into a much more positive and successful space with your writing career. You can do it!!! Your success is in the palms of your hands.

Happy New Year!
Irene S. Roth
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