Seven steps to Brainstorm Ideas for an E-book
Irene S. Roth
Would you like to write e-books but you can’t think of any topics to write about? If you do, you’re not alone!Irene S. Roth
Many writers struggle to find ideas about which to write an e-book. You may think you are not knowledgeable to write e-books. Or, you may think that you can’t possibly write an e-book because you don’t have enough material to write about. If you feel this way, this article is for you.
After writing well over 50 books and e-books, I must say that I have mastered the idea of generating topics for e-books. In this article, I will offer you seven doable and simple steps to generate ideas for e-books.
- Determine your level of expertise. What are you good at? What do you do for a living? Are you a wife, mother and career person? Can you generate ideas based on those areas of your life? There is a lot of ideas we can generate for e-books from our life. Even if you are a wife and mother, you can write about aspects of motherhood that will give you readers and buyers of your book.
- Start a new notebook. Write “Brainstorming Notebook for E-books” on the cover. Then start listing all the areas of your life where you can write informative e-books. For instance, here is my list: wife, writer, researcher, professor, gardener, owner of pets, and prolific reader.
- Then choose one area that you could write e-books about right away without much research. Your best choice will be the topic that you can generate at least 10 ideas about pretty quickly. For instance, when I started writing e-books, I was a writer and researcher. I wrote on different academic topics. So, I knew how to write and how to set up a writing schedule so that I would be most successful despite teaching full time.
- Turn to a new page in your notebook. Write down which topic you most want to write e-books about. Brainstorm ten to twenty ideas about that area in your life. It may take you a few days or a week to generate ideas. Take your time and have fun generating ideas.
- Turn to a new page in your notebook. Choose a topic that is of secondary interest to you, such as a hobby. Brainstorm ten to twenty ideas about that area in your life. Again, it may take you a few days or a week to generate ideas. So, take your time and have fun generating ideas.
- Turn to a new page in your notebook. Brainstorm other topics that you would love to research and that you know if you did the research you would love to find out more about. Write all these topics down in your notebook.
- Go back to your first list of primary ideas. Choose a topic that you would like to write about that you know a lot about. Turn to a new page in your notebook. Write that topic down across the top of the page and outline your notebook in point form.