Discussion Small Changes Can Lead to Big Results

Sunny Irene Roth

Dec 5, 2010
How many times do we think we have to make big, scary changes in our lives if we want big results?

And then we try to make those big changes, but they're too difficult to stick to.

For example, we decide we're going to get healthier and more fit, so we vow to never eat carbs and to work out every day.

But we're only able to do that consistently for a short time.

Then we revert back to our old habits, feeling like a failure yet again.

Well, this doesn't need to happen.

Instead of thinking you need to make big changes in your life, start with a few small changes.

Let's start with writing.

Instead of deciding you're going to write a novel, but then you just never seem to get it written, start with a smaller goal.

For example, make your first goal to simply write on a regular basis.

It doesn't matter what you write.

What matters is that you do it consistently.

If you will make that one small change, in a few weeks you'll start to notice something.

You'll notice that it's easier to write.

You'll also notice that your writing has improved a bit.

You'll probably also notice that you feel more motivated to keep writing.

Wow! All that from one little change.

Figure out one small change—a change you can stick with— that will get you started on the path to your overall goal.

Then make that one small change.

Try it!
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