Discussion Stop Making Negative Choices in Your Writing Life

Sunny Irene Roth

Dec 5, 2010
We all may fall into negative thought patterns in our lives and writing career. Yet these negative ways of acting and behaving can create real issues for us as writers. They can overwhelm us to the point where we can’t write in a peaceful manner.

For one thing negative life choices can steal our peace and equanimity, two things that we need to be productive writers. If our mind is all over the place, our focus will be fractured too, making it difficult to get anything done. Thus, to be most productive, we must feel free and peaceful to write at our best and to express ourselves through our writing.

The trick is to learn how to let go of these negative voices inside our head before we start writing. There are many ways to let go of these negative voices in our minds before we start to write.

Here are a few things to try out.

We could meditate to clear our heads and to ground ourselves in the present. There are many meditation apps out there, such as Headspace and Calm. Whatever one you use doesn’t matter. Just set some time to consistently meditate before starting your writing session.
  • We could take a walk or exercise before we write. This can help us put all the negative things into perspective. So many times, I start my walk with a problem and end up with a solution or at least an acceptance of the problem by the time I return.
  • Journal about your negative voices. Take some time to do ten minutes of stream of consciousness journaling each day. With this type of journaling, all you must do is take out your journal and set a timer for 10 minutes and then write whatever comes to mind. Don’t judge what you are writing. Just write whatever comes to mind. Don’t worry about spelling or punctuation. Just keep your hand moving.
  • Make a list of ten things you would get rid of if there were no negative consequences. Rank your list and see if there are a few things that you can eliminate or eradicate from that list. This exercise can be so liberating and transformative.
By taking these steps, you will be taking steps to come to terms with some of the negative voices in your head. As a result, it will help you be healthier, happier, more fulfilled, and self-confident, as well as much more productive.

Try it!

Irene Roth
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