Discussion Today is a Brand-New Day

Sunny Irene Roth

Dec 5, 2010
Many writers don’t consider brand new weeks to be new starts. But they can be with the right approach and attitude towards our writing week.

We may have had a difficult time completing our goals last week. We may have felt distracted or we may have felt stuck on a plot line or where we should go next in our writing.

This is normal and to be expected. It is essential for us to take steps to start anew.

Here are some ways to do this:

*1. Take stock of what you completed last week. This is not an opportunity for self-criticism or self-judgment as it is an opportunity to start anew. See what worked and what didn’t.

*2. Set some new goals for this week. You may want to put some of the goals you didn’t complete this week. And add one or two other small goals.

*3. Write these goals down and put them in a prominent place, either on your computer or in your planner. Writing down your goals can ensure that you are more likely to complete them.

*4. Set a writing schedule to complete these goals. If you don’t know where you’re going, you probably won’t get there. So, make sure that you write down your goals so that you can check them of and see how you are doing during the week.

*5. Visualize yourself completing these goals. Sometimes just seeing your goals done, you can be more likely to complete your goals.

*6. Make every writing session interesting and enjoyable. That way, you are more likely to show up again to write tomorrow. Put on some soothing music to focus.

By taking these steps, you will be more likely to be productive and feel fulfilled. This is a winning combination to ensuring that you get some writing done this week.

Try it!

Irene Roth
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