Challenge for Week of May 20th to May 27th, 2020
Irene S. Roth
Irene S. Roth
What is your passion? Is it writing? Is it your work? Is it your family? Is it your health? Each of the above items can be an integral part of our list of passions.
However, to write consistently, you will have to prioritize your writing within the top five passions in your life to ensure that you get some writing done every day.
This should be much more possible nowadays, right? We have fewer obligations because we don’t have to go out to appointments or work. So, why is it harder? That’s a question each of you will have to answer for yourself in your writer’s journal.
Further, what is the first thing that you do every day? Is it writing? If not, you need this challenge. (If you work from home, try to make sure that your writing comes close to the second thing you do every day. Or, if you can wake up earlier and write for 30 minutes before work, that could work too because it will set your mindset for the day.)
What needs your attention more than anything now is your writing and keeping safe. So, stay home, stay safe, and write. That’s the motto you should try and uphold during these times.
We have a limited amount of energy every day. We have a limited amount of creativity and inspiration. Every time we give something else our attention that is above what is necessary, we use up some of that energy that we need to write.
So, for this week’s challenge, try to write first thing in the day. If you can’t because you are working, either wake up earlier and write for 30 minutes or write for 30 minutes after work. Take a quick breaker, have a cup of coffee or a walk, and sit down and write. Don’t check your devices or news feed. You can do that later, after you write.
The specifics of the challenge is to as follows: Write first thing in the day for a minimum of 30 to 60 minutes, 5 to 6 days a week. Every day that you write for 30 to 60 minutes, write it down, and make it a part of your report back to me in the forum.
At the end of the week, please post if you wrote 5 to 6 days out of a week. If you write 5 to 6 days out of 7, please leave a comment under this thread, and I will make sure to enter you into the draw at the end of the 5 week period.
Any questions? Please email me directly at [email protected].
Let’s make this the BEST few weeks in quarantine.
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Let me know if you write 5 out of 7 days by Sunday.
I know you will!
I'm SO glad for you!