Goals What are your Goals for the Fourth Quarter of 2022 and the First Week of October?

Sunny Irene Roth

Dec 5, 2010
Hi ladies!

Happy October! This can be such a great season to get some writing done and to complete some goals.

However, before you can have a successful last quarter, you must decide what you want to achieve.

With this in mind, what are your long-term goals for the next three months? Post them under this thread.

Also, once you have a list of those goals, then you can decide what you would like to achieve this month and then this week. Once you have that list, please post it under this thread.

All the best!
Irene S. Roth
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Huge thanks to Irene for helping me figure out realistic fourth quarter goals. So, here's what I want to do:
  • Keep up my steady blog posting schedule (6 posts per month)
  • Finish edits on my manuscript and start querying
  • Use NaNoWriMo to knock out a draft of my chapter book
  • Write two personal essays
Hi Camellia,

You are most welcome! You can do this!! I will be here cheering you on!

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Fourth Quarter 2022 big-picture goals:
- Re-envision, revise, & expand a longtime WIP, starting in October with revamped character-arcs and rewriting during NaNoWriMo with a finishing goal of Fri Dec 9th.
- Attend writing-group holiday meeting on Sat Dec 10th
- Prepare new queries for 1st ms. in late December (to send in January).
- Sketch new character-arcs for second WIP in October.
- Resume drafting 2nd ms. on Dec. 12th.
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