My goal is to get a handle on where my MG submissions stand and make sure that I've got at least 10 queries out to agents. Included in this is the need to review my query letter and first couple chapters, since I'm at about 12 rejections so far - most of which have just said "didn't fall in love with this, but it's subjective so please keep submitting." I'd really like to at least get to the point where I'm getting requests for more material before getting rejected, so I'm hoping a tough scrub of the QL and first pages will yield some AHA! moments. If anyone wants to swap QLs and fist pages, I'd love to do that!
In addition, my goal is to write every day this week, to reinstitute that as habit.
I'm also really appreciating this section on travel writing, so I'd like to get caught up with the homework and see where that leads.