Discussion Why Are You Struggling With Your Writing?

Sunny Irene Roth

Dec 5, 2010
Right in line with our lessons for this month on developing emotional resilience, I wanted to leave you with another food for thought article.

Most of us tend to take on self-beliefs that cause us to struggle to reach our writing goals.

And usually, we aren't even aware of these beliefs, so we keep repeating the same behaviors over and over again that are in accordance with these beliefs.

But what we need to do, however, is let go of these beliefs, so we can stop repeating those behaviors that are not moving us forward to our goals.

Here's an exploration to try today, so you can uncover some of the self-beliefs that are causing you to struggle as a writer.

I suggest you use your success journa to answer each of these questions.

You might be surprised at what you uncover if you will take at least 15 minutes to try this self exploration exercise.

Here are the questions you should ask yourself:

1. What is/are my current struggle(s)?

2. What is my limiting self-belief behind this struggle?

3. How does this belief serve me? (And, yes, even negative beliefs serve you in some way, even if they only make you feel safe.)

4. How is this belief untrue?

5. What could your wise inner self say to motivate you to let go of this belief? Your wise inner self is sometimes known as your intuition too.

6. How and why can you let go of this belief? If the answer doesn’t come to you right away, please be patient.

7. How can you take a positive step toward change? If you don’t know at first, do some brainstorming.

8. Write down your new liberating belief. If you don’t know precisely what it is, do some brainstorming.

So, take out your success journal, and start thinking about your answers to these questions.

Be sure to do this exploration when you can relax and simply reflect on the questions.

If you have a hard time answering these questions and would like to receive a bit of help, let’s book a coaching session to chat about it.

Take care and have a productive week!

Irene Roth
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