
Author in Residence
Mar 13, 2024
Taipei, Taiwan
Hello from Taiwan!

I'm Terrence. Though I'm originally from Los Angeles and studied screenwriting at the University of Pennsylvania, I haven't lived in the US for nearly a decade. I work in tech marketing, which has allowed me to gain a great many creative professional experiences including screenwriting, acting, video editing, voice acting, producing, directing, IP development, comic writing, and novel writing, off the top of my head.

I've already written 4 full-length novels, 3 of which are the first part of a series that I'm about to start querying, but probably the most interesting project I'm currently involved in is my fourth novel, Xtreme Saga - Book One: The War for Rig. I was hired to establish a new transmedia IP for a tech brand called XPG. The project includes animation, web comics, and full-length novels. I'm the lead writer and narrative director of the project. It's an epic sci-fi adventure story that takes place in another galaxy and centers around a teenage girl fighting against an evil empire that has invaded her home planet. You can find all the released content for free on the official website. Or just Google "Xtreme Saga". We release new content every week as part of our digital marketing strategy, so while the first of multiple planned novels is fully written, only the first 17 chapters are currently available online.

What's most interesting about Xtreme Saga is that the IP is owned an managed by a tech company with no real background in entertainment media, so they give me a lot of creative freedom. That said, they also aren't fully equipped to do a lot of the things that an entrainment company would be able to do. For example, we'd really like to do a physical publishing of the first novel. But the company doesn't know the first thing about the publishing process. So we're currently in the process of trying to find a traditional publisher to partner with for the physical printing of the novel series.

Thanks for reading my overly long introduction. If you like sci-fi, I hope you check out Xtreme Saga. If you're a publisher looking for sci-fi or fantasy novels, please reach out. I've got four books looking for homes.
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Hi Terrence!
Welcome to Savvy! Thanks for the intro. It does sound like you have an interesting opportunity with Xtreme! I hope you pitched in our recent pitchfest. If not, we have another one planned for the fall.
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