• NaNo Is Coming Up! Join Us 11/4 To Kick Off Your Motivation

    We’re getting excited for NaNo and wanted to invite you to join us! I know it can sometimes be hard to find motivation or get past those blocks, but we’re here to help you keep focused and on track in your story! Register below if you’d like to join - it’s entirely free!

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New to Savvy Authors

Good morning! So glad to be here. I've always written but not with the drive that I've had as of the past few years. I was born in Cuba and came to the States with my parents and brother at the age of nine. I write contemporary romance, where at least one character is of Cuban descent. Makes for great culture clashes. I've had the privilege of living in myriad states, from Miami to Maine, St. Croix USVI to San Antonio, Texas, and Louisiana to Washington state, where I now reside. What a wonderful experience.
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Welcome! I am new to Savvy as well. Recently moved to San Antonio from Whidbey Island WA to be near family. Where in Washington are you located?
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RWA2018 Here I come!!! From New Zealand


Yes, I know I have been MIA for a while and some of you won't know me or have heard of me, but those who have.... I'm coming to the RWA2018!!!!!!

As you can see I am overly excited as I have been trying to come to a RWA since 2009 when I first heard of it and I have finally been able to save enough. Not to mention I will finally get to meet my friend/critique partner/ writing partner #Riley

So who is coming? I really would love to finally meet you all.

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Hello fellow writers...I'm seeking poetry partner

I'm new to this group. Joined because I am seeking a poetry critique partner. I have published one book and have appeared in several anthologies and am a regular on the net. I write short poetry usually free verse and use my poetry to tell stories and convey specific messages.

I am am a full time RVer so travel is a common thread. The net is my connection to other writers since f2f groups cannot be consistent for me.
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New Crime Fiction Author

Hi Everyone!

I'm a new author. I've got two crime fiction stories published and am working on my first novel. I'm excited to join and looking forward to all the resources offered here and hoping to contribute to the forums, too. :) I've just added a Premium Membership to my subscription. There are so many features offered.
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Just joined!

Hi all,

I just learned about SavvyAuthors from writer on another site, and I'm looking forward to being part of the community.

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote the last word of the first draft of my first novel -- working title, My Special Messenger.

It's the first fiction novel I've written and loved the process.:smile2: Now I'm into the revision, which isn't quite as much fun!

My previous writing experience includes being a journalist in South Africa, and publishing two books while living in Cambodia (The Sweet Tastes of Cambodia was a book about travel and traditional Cambodian desserts, The Definitive Guide to Living in Southeast Asia: Cambodia, is self-explanatory.)

Along the way I've self published two children's books and my husband, Skip, and I self-published a book about our experiences of disembarking from "traditional" life which included the experiences of others like us (Just Go! Leave the Treadmill for a World of Adventure).

Skip and I are nomads as we have no home, and have been house-sitting around the world since leaving Cambodia three years ago. So, while I have lots of time to write, I don't have anyone except Skip to talk with about writing. I'm hoping I can exchange advice, critiques and feedback with other members of Savvy Authors and look forward to the conversation.

We're on Facebook as The Meanderthals if anyone cares to join us.
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Big-time Newbie

Hi Everyone! I just discovered Savvy Authors through a friend's recommendation and I'm very excited to see all of the great resources available here. I'm currently at work on my first novel and have recently begun to panic about what the heck to do next! I'm also very excited about the work and look forward to taking some classes and chatting with other authors that can help me find my way in this endeavor.
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New to the awesome that is Savvyauthors!

Hello all,
I joined Savvyauthors this last week and am ready to dive into the plethora of knowledge! My name is Courtney and I write Adult Contemporary Fantasy novels. I look forward to meeting everyone and making great friends along the way to becoming a Savvy Author! Lol!
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Hi, I'm new, am I doing it right?

Hello! My name's Annicka, I'm an unpublished writer at the moment (but I'd like to change that.) New to the site and forums. Actually, my mom pointed me here lol. She IS a published author. Anyway, I've got a somewhat active Twitter (@AnnickaWrites) and I'll probably be poking around for querying advice soon.
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