• NaNo Is Coming Up! Join Us 11/4 To Kick Off Your Motivation

    We’re getting excited for NaNo and wanted to invite you to join us! I know it can sometimes be hard to find motivation or get past those blocks, but we’re here to help you keep focused and on track in your story! Register below if you’d like to join - it’s entirely free!

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Happy Monday, all! What are your writing goals for the week?

Yeah so I suck at consistency in my writing. I've joined an in-person writer's group in my town but only meets once a month. And guess whenthe next meeting is (cough cough)? So, since that meeting is this upcoming saturday I need to have something to share with them. Nothing motivates like a deadline.
So I am going to make my goal for the week that I finish a chapter and have it ready to read (or at least one scene of it anyway) out loud to my Le Claire Writer's group!

What's yours?
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Booklife Assessment

Booklife (part of Publishers Weekly) posted this assessment of my new book: How to Self-publish and Market a Book.
Idea: Quense's pitch with this book -- an author who has self-published many books writing a guide to authors looking to self-publish their own -- is sharply honed, and the resulting book offers exactly what its audience would be seeking. Quense anticipates the pitfalls and mistakes first-time self-publishers face, and he offers clear, concrete advice for avoiding them, bolstered by strong examples from his own career.
Prose: Quense's prose is unfussy and direct, just what is needed for such a volume. He's also to-the-point, never wandering off topic or attempting to pad the manuscript. Quense emphasizes the urgency of working on a manuscript with editors and sensitivity readers, and it's clear on each polished page that he practices what he preaches.
Originality: There are certainly other how-to books surveying the same field, but what's most original and helpful in Quense's volume is its dedication to offering writers a clear step-by-step guide to their self-publishing journey. Quense organizes the volume chronologically, describing the tasks an author should attend to five months before publication, then four months before publication, and so forth. This approach is unique and helps prevent the task at hand from being overwhelming. Another factor separating Quense's guide from other how-to books: Quense is frank about costs, and he makes no unrealistic promises about outcomes.
Execution: Quense is strong in explaining what self-published authors need to do and also demonstrating why these steps matter. Even authors averse to, say, establishing a social-media presence, are likely to find the advice here persuasive and manageable. Making it all "manageable" could be the book's greatest strength -- and it could only be improved in that regard with a more thorough table of contents or topic-driven index. The structure makes the book somewhat less accessible than it might be to authors who just want advice on one topic, like the difference between a publisher and packager or how to find an artist to design a cover.
Blurb: Concise and bursting with practical advice, How to Self-Publish and Market a Book delivers exactly what its title promises, with clear eyes and little fat.
  • Plot/Idea: 10
  • Originality: 9
  • Prose: 9
  • Character/Execution: 9
  • Overall: 9.25
  • Winner
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So we're mixing it up a bit!

As you likely noticed we have changed our forums...a lot. :) We've consolidated all of the discussions in one Facebook/Twitter like feed. You can still tag your discussions with the right topics and you can always filter on just the topics you want to see by clicking on the category tags:
See this is a filtered list:

Then just click the X next to the tag name to remove the filter and you are back the full list!
We think this makes it easier to find out what is going on and we hope you like it.
Please let us know if this is Good Thing or still needs some work!
Leslie, @Dawn_McClure and @RJ Garside
your savvy crew!
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Is there a NaNoWri event this year?

I'm not sure if I'm missing it, or if there is a NaNoWri event at Savvy this year?

Hi Maureen
We are not going to have a Nano event this year. We are working on an off-cycle writing motivation event that will run in January to kick start your writing for the year!
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Pitchfest editor/agent responses

I pitched my books to several agents/editors and got no response. I was disappointed and then realized there weren't any responses from agents and editors to any of the pitches. Should I keep looking or do they respond via email or did they just not like anything pitched? (I wanted to read lots of the proposed books.)

Thanks.Pitchfest is always fun.
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Possibly "dumb" question about Pitchfest...

Is it okay to ask the agent or editor a simple yes/no question before actually pitching?
Not dumb at all. It's likely that they might not see it and so won't answer, but we do not have any rules against that. You can try but I suspect it will just be missed.
hope this helps!
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The Poinciana Tree

My latest book is The Poinciana Tree

This story is set around the beautiful Poinciana tree, with its amazing red flowers.
Suzanne Matthews arrives home from work to find the kitchen in disarray and her daughter missing. After searching the house, her eyes turn towards the garden, drawn to the Poinciana tree. Underneath its canopy she sees her daughter, slumped against its trunk.
When the police are unable to identify Jennifer’s killer, they turn their attention to her husband, Mark. Whilst trying to cope with her grief, she finds herself fighting to prove her husband’s innocence, as her world is turned upside down. She is inspired by another woman, who went with her husband to the Sudan as medical volunteers for a charity organisation.
A tale of raw emotion, desperation and acceptance.
Amazon.com: The Poinciana Tree eBook: Rita Lee Chapman: Kindle Store
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/ ebook/dp/B07XGGY2PZ
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Changing Directions

Under another pseudonym, I'm a published author of numerous erotic romance novels and novellas, but I'm hoping to change directions toward the mainstream. I've written paranormal, sci-fi and contemporary, but paranormal is my favorite. My current WIP is a paranormal romance that I'm hoping will entice an agent and a traditional publisher. I've put in a request to join the Speculative Fiction SIG and I'm also looking for help in finding a critic partner or group as well as help from anyone who knows of a reliable beta reader or readers. I received some excellent information from several of the SavvyWriterCon mini intensives. Really appreciated the opportunity to join in!
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Looking for a TRIBE y'all!

So I'm looking for a few people who'd like to get serious about indie publishing and swap material. Critting/crying/helping <-- that sort of thing. I just released my first 'new adult cowboy/small town romance' and I'd like to connect with others in that genre. Doesn't have to be new adult, though, just small town. I didn't even know 'new adult' existed until last year. I don't write clean, exactly, but I don't write sex scenes. I just drop a few cuss words here and there. I love Jesus but I cuss a little. haha

Anyway, my email is [email protected] if you're interested. Here is a link to my WEBSITE, so you can get a better feel for me. I'm pretty laid back. I'd just like to connect with some genre-related indie authors so I don't have to feel as though I'm doing all of this alone.
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Coming out of the shadows

Hi! My name is Deb. I've been here, in the dark, dusty corners, lurking for quite some time.

Finally coming out to say hello and introduce myself. I'm a New York transplant living in Florida, and I battle constantly with the demons of fear and procrastination. Help me help myself!

I plan to be more active here and make some new friends.
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Sci-fi/Space Opera

Hi all! I write sci-fi/space opera books, in my first query process now and trying to find any resources I can for pitch, query, and other contests. Pretty much anything that will help me build my platform and get my work in front of readers (and agents and editors) faces! (Well, anything other than scams and predatory paid services LOL...so much nonsense out there!)
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Question about pitching...

I pitched two authors today, but my pitch doesn't show up on the pages. Should I try it again or does it take a certain amount of time to show up? Please help!!
Hi Ginger
There were a few that were snapped up by our enthusiastic spam filter. I was out last night so did not clear them until this morning. Can you check now, I suspect your post will be there now. And do let me know if it is not!
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Where do I post my Pitch for Pitchfest. I went to the Blog but don't see a place to comment and add my Pitch. Thanks, Joe
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