• NaNo Is Coming Up! Join Us 11/4 To Kick Off Your Motivation

    We’re getting excited for NaNo and wanted to invite you to join us! I know it can sometimes be hard to find motivation or get past those blocks, but we’re here to help you keep focused and on track in your story! Register below if you’d like to join - it’s entirely free!

    Register View thread

Class ID's

I like to have messages within class links, for instance, emailed to me.

In the old site, the emails would identify which class they originated from and the classroom number - lectures and replies.

I'm taking a class and I've signed up for the 6 month special event. And all the emails I receive come through as [email protected]. There isn't an easy way to determine which forum or classroom they are for without opening them. And even then, it's not always easy.
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A question for you! How many chatters do you want to see?

What are your chat preferences?

  • I love to see everyone on the site! That way I can meet new people!

    Votes: 15 65.2%
  • I'd prefer to keep it intimate and only see my friends and buddies!

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • I'm not sure...ask me next week!

    Votes: 5 21.7%

Hello All
We are super thrilled about our new chat capabilties. Right now I have it configured so that everyone on the site can chat with everyone else! Now, that's all fine and good for now but we may not want it like that in the future. I'd love to get your opinion on this!

  • Poll
Savvy Event Coming: BootCamp Sprints!

What's your favorite timeframe to write?

  • Early Bird Gets The Words - 5am - 8am

    Votes: 17 26.2%
  • Must Have Coffee - 8am - 12pm

    Votes: 24 36.9%
  • Afternoon with Tunes - 12pm - 5pm

    Votes: 11 16.9%
  • Happy Hour Writer- 5pm - 9pm

    Votes: 16 24.6%
  • Night Owl on the Prowl - 9pm - 12am

    Votes: 25 38.5%
  • Insomniac - 12am - 5am

    Votes: 9 13.8%
  • Weekend Warrior - 5pm Fri - Sunday night

    Votes: 13 20.0%

Hey Savvy members!

My cohort, @Angel Leigh is working on the calendar for Sprints in April and May. If you have one hour a day to write, what's your favorite time of day? Let us know on the poll above! (Time is assumed in EST zones)

  • Poll
Right Now! Register for our upcoming Savvy Events!

Are You Ready?

  • Hecks Yeah!

    Votes: 15 53.6%
  • Bring It On!

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • Let's Do This!

    Votes: 16 57.1%

I am super excited for these next 6 months' worth of events! This is going to be a super fun half year and I hope to see LOADS of short stories published at the end of it. :)

Have you registered yet?

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QuickStart Guide and Help!

Need some help to get started? We've got a Quick Start Guide to help you get set up and launched right!
Check back here often, we'll be updating the help as we add features to it.

FYI...Help is always available in the banner at the very bottom of the page!

However do not hesitate to YELL, PM...or even better tag @RJ Garside or @lesliedow or @Marilyn Muniz for help!
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Welcome. Bienvenue. Willkommen. Aloha. Fáilte. Bienvenidos

Welcome in many languages: :cool:
This means everyone is welcome.
Come in. Grab a cuppa your favorite. Tell us a little about yourself.

This community of writers become cherished friends as we write, edit. rewrite. edit. polish, final edit. Publish!

Come along the journey with us. You make this place better with your contributions.

I'm L R Davis. writer of non-fiction and fiction. Current WIP is a MG (middle grade) novel. I am writing short stories and learning my craft here at Savvy Authors.

Was introduced to Savvy Authors several years ago by Lea Schizas at Muse Conference Online. Both things changed my life. I felt welcomed. I have learned. I am learning more.

Welcome to Savvy Authors. May your life be rich with ideas, filled with friends and fulfilled by success.

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Some new things you can do here

Our new site is based on Xenforo, a very cool forum out of the UK. We love Xenforo and hope you will, too! There is so much here but here are a couple of fun things to get you started:

  1. Fully integrated chatroom
    1. Our new chatroom uses a Facebook-like chat look and feel. Its fully integrated with your friends so you can see when your buddies come online and chat iinstantlywith them. Join one of our pre-made rooms for sprints and hanging out.
    2. Want your own, private chatroom? Yep, you can do that too!
    3. Video chat! yep you can use video to chat with your buddies
  2. Pathway to Quit your Dayjob
    Banners, Badges and Buttons..oh my! We have a badge, banner and/or button for all your writing achievements and earn points as your gain writing skills, achievements and give back to your Savvy community with our soon to be unveiled Quit your Dayjob tracker .
  3. User tagging in all posts
    Type and "@" in front of your friends userIDs and have them tagged in your post...yes exactly like on Twitter! When you tag someone, they are notified that you have tagged them and sent a link to the post you tagged them in!
  4. New Post Editor
    1. Cool post editor features with simple image insertion, state of the art copy-paste from MS-Word, Word count
    2. Recover changes via an edit history in posts
    3. The editor autosaves as you edit and will nag you if you try to close without saving.
    4. Use BB codes if you prefer!
    5. Paste directly from MS Word...yeppers this should work here!
    6. Quote multiple discontinuous lines from multiple posts! When looking at a post, select the content you wish to quote and click the "+quote" link at the bottom right side of the page. That adds the selected content to your quote queue, when you want to paste, click on an editor and the "Paste quoted content" link will appear....click the link, and et voila! your quoted content is pasted!
    7. Provide lots of feedback on posts, just use the rating system you see along the bottom of posts to give likes, hugs, rainbows and lots more!
  5. Post your status...Let everyone know what you are up to. Just click on your name and a small overlay will appear where you can access your profile, private conversations and status updates.
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Welcome to the new SavvyAuthors

C'mon in and take a look around. Fill out your signature, check out the Facebook-style chat at the bottom of the page and tag your friends in any post with the @ character! Right, @RJ Garside? ;)

See something weird? Post in our Bugs and Feature Requests forum!

We are not fully live yet but love to hear what you think about our new digs!
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