• NaNo Is Coming Up! Join Us 11/4 To Kick Off Your Motivation

    We’re getting excited for NaNo and wanted to invite you to join us! I know it can sometimes be hard to find motivation or get past those blocks, but we’re here to help you keep focused and on track in your story! Register below if you’d like to join - it’s entirely free!

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Novel in a Month with Peter Andrews

Craft Novel in a Month with Peter Andrews

Peter was very responsive and helpful. The materials and instruction for the course were very helpful and I was able to apply the lessons to my work. Thank you!, Peter
For the first time I have been able to go beyond a couple of rambling scenes. I was a pantster who would run out of steam. Peter quickly sussed my writing level and gave encouraging feedback focussed on basics I could achieve. The clearly structured course gave me a framework to work within and still provided enough space to move forward with my story. My only regret was low enrollment so learning from other participants was limited. I plan to take more classes with Peter @savvyauthors and can definitely recommend the course even for beginners in novel writing.