2023 Summer Slackers Book Club

Research 2023 Summer Slackers Book Club

Leslie and RJ were great book club leaders! It was fun to hang out and read craft books with other writers over the summer. Hope you all do it again next summer! :-)
Was promised lots of support and received none. Day 3 I commented that i was struggling and no one replied. No sympathy, no support, no encouragement. Good intentions mean nothing when initial goal can't even be delivered on day 3.
SavvyAuthors Events
We're sorry, Sandy, that we did not live up to your expectations. We do try, but like all people, we are not perfect. Hope your writing is going well!
I realized the usefulness of the Savvy Author's resources several years ago. I knew I would find the HOT Summer Boot Camp helpful. The lectures, the chit chat with other authors and the progress I made on my manuscript is worth the reasonable yearly fee. I recommend Savvy Authors to other writers. I'm looking forward to participating in the Writer's Convention in September.
Great encouragement from the moderators and a lot of information shared to help make writing flow. Never done an online bootcamp before but would definitely do it again!
RJ and Dawn were great mods during the Hot Summer June Writing Nano. Thank you both for your encouragement. happy writing summer!
The instructor provided tools and examples I definitely intend to use. I ignored the Beat Sheet but now that I've seen it in action I'm going to use it.
Some good suggestions for plotting but I guess I expected more guided plotting to have a manuscript pretty much plotted by the end of the bootcamp.
SavvyAuthors Events
Hi Jodi. Thanks for the feedback. Next time we'll better explain that this was more of a chance to try out different plotting methods than to have a fully developed plot that is reviewed and vetted. Hope you were able to take away some good ideas to make your plotting better!
Another fun Bootcamp! Leslie, RJ, and Dawn are awesome cheerleaders. Leslie's leaderboard tool is so user-friendly and helpful for tracking daily and cumulative stats. I also love the chat room for sprinting. Thanks Savvy Authors team for creating a fun and productive work space for writers. :)
I really enjoyed the Bootcamp. I set a really high goal this year for NaNoWriMo (85,000 words), so it was nice to have a place where I could check in daily to let people know how I was doing. Leslie was great to work with and was very attentive throughout the entire month. Again, I had a great experience. Definitely glad I upgraded my subscription to participate.
As always, a useful boot camp to help with accountability and focus. Leslie, RJ and Team are great cheerleaders!
The class allowed me some accountability. But that's it. There were three, maybe four, posts. There was not much content on editing. This is worth about $25 not the $40 I paid. I suggest a) lowering the price, b) either state upfront there's not much content or provide about 2x week posts on editing, and c) work on creating community. There was no cross talk. I was glad for the accountability, but I didn't feel inspired or improved.
Excellent! Really helped me get more motivated to write every day and now I have enough momentum to continue, so that I can finish my work in progress.
I enjoyed the format with different leaders each week. While I didn't hit my goal of writing every day, I nonetheless was thinking about my project daily and I thank this program for helping me develop that mindset.
Another great boot camp! Well-organized, supportive and friendly hosts, etc.. A fun and productive community event.
As always, savvyauthors hosts spot on activities. The boot camp was fantastic! Our host were fantastic with sprinkles on top.
I was part of a great, supportive group. We cheered each other one. We posted support and commented on each other's post daily. I felt like a member of a team. It was wonderful.
I was in a very supportive group and we all cheered each other on. I felt like I was part of a community and loved it.
Not sure how the rating scale works (1 being high? 1 being low?) I did not like the class; I felt it did not give enough guidance and feedback. It disappointed me.
SavvyAuthors Events
We're sorry it has not lived up to your expectations! Also, the class has been extended because the instructor has pneumonia. She's feeling better today and will be providing feedback on pitches over the next two days so your pitch is ready for PitchFest.
Everybody in the thriller group dropped out. Someone was supposed to get back to me about moving to a new group, never did. I went on to work by myself
It started out well, but eventually everyone else fell by the wayside and I felt like I was writing all by myself, without the challenges and encouragement I had expected to get from the course. That said, I always work better when I have a deadline so I did manage to get more work done than I might have otherwise so, in that regard, it was a success. Would suggest though that the groups be bigger next time so when some members drop out of there are still a few who make it to the finish line together.