Crafting the Category Romance with Michelle Karl

Genre-Romance Crafting the Category Romance with Michelle Karl

Michelle is an excellent instructor, very responsive and helpful with feedback. I recommend this class to anyone looking to write a category romance and who want to get insight into the first scenes and first chapters. The feedback is invaluable and worth taking the class for. This will give you a good foundation/base about category romance.
Michelle was a very responsive instructor and her feedback was so well thought out. She obviously took a lot of time with her responses. The material seemed very thorough. I came into this class knowing nothing about category romance, but left with a solid base of understanding. And it was quite fun!!
An excellent course that has helped me better understand what goes into crafting a strong first chapter for a category romance. The feedback to the exercises has been invaluable. I highly recommend this workshop for anyone who has an interest in writing for the category romance market.
Great class! Michelle gave a solid introduction to the ins and outs of writing category romance--both her lessons and feedback were extremely helpful. I'd love to see more classes on the site that deal with category romance :)
Michelle gave us a thorough and honest understanding of how category romance writing and publish work. Her feedback was fair and helpful. I enjoyed this course a lot!
I learned a lot in this course about category romance and learning how to craft a first chapter. The feedback that was provided was really helpful!