Contemporary Romance and the Romantic-Comedy: There’s a Difference? with Beth Daniels

Genre-Romance Contemporary Romance and the Romantic-Comedy: There’s a Difference? with Beth Daniels

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When someone asks what I write, the simple answer is “Romance”. But I don’t actually write romance, even if the stories take place in the contemporary world. I write romantic-comedy, and that’s another whole bowl of fish.

What’s the difference? Well, it’s a big one actually but the answer lies in the characters and what you’ve put on their plate to deal with other than finding that perfect someone for them to love.

That doesn’t mean characters in romantic-comedy don’t have problems similar to those in contemporary romance. It’s that the situations and the things that result from the way they handle things are different. The dialog shifts.

If you thought you were writing one kind of story and it turns out you’re writing a different sort, it’s handy to know what to call it. Even handier to know if you’re getting the “formula” right. The wrong ingredients can make your product blow up rather than make it sale worthy and a great snatch for an editor…or a reader!

Join me for 4 weeks to sort out the differences. There’s no reason you can’t write both. The key is knowing which type you’re writing so marketing it to publishers or the person cruising the bookstore (be it brick and mortar or online) for something new to take them away from real life temporarily, is right on the mark!.

Bring story ideas, manuscripts, and be prepared to evaluate what you’ve dreamed up. But also what you like best to read. The goal here is to always write the story you were meant to write…and then another and another and another.
Beth Daniels
Start date
Feb 18, 2019 at 9:00 AM
End date
Mar 17, 2019 at 1:00 AM
Registration end date
Feb 20, 2019 at 1:00 AM
4.97 star(s) 29 ratings

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Author/instructor Beth Daniels brought a great wealth of experience, enthusiasm and humor in teaching this workshop. Her lectures were thorough and detailed, with many specific examples. She thoroughly answered all questions with up-to-date research. Based on our questions, she tailored the lectures to include all genres we inquired about. As a novice, unpublished writer, I found Beth's lectures to be clear and not overwhelming. Her challenges were especially helpful to get me thinking, writing and staying engaged in the course. Her dedication to the course was clear, and her witty comments added to the fun. I read one of her hilarious novels during the course, which was a great example of what we were learning.