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Developing Your Characters' Emotional Wounds with Romy Sommer

Craft Developing Your Characters' Emotional Wounds with Romy Sommer

This was a fantastic class and I highly recommend it. You'll get 20 times more out of it if you do the homework and apply what Romy teaches to your writing.
Romy's class gave me some great tips for digging deeper into my characters to give them depth and emotional resonance. I highly recommend her and would love to take more classes she may offer.
Romy is an excellent instructor with a true understanding of writing a novel. This class gave me the tools I need to dig deeper into my character development and craft character change from start to finish.
This course had a a lot of good practical information on how to develop an engaging character. The examples provided were useful. It has already helped me to improve the depth of my current novel and I look forward to using the worksheets to keep me on track in my future writing. Thanks Romy!
Romy's ability to break down the skills needed to create compelling character arcs made this class one of the best. In addition to her informative lectures, her homework assignments were helpful and concise, without being too arduous. I learned a great deal from this class and this instructor. Thank you!
Terrific class! Romy provided in-depth, thoughtful instruction that really helped me understand how to fulfill readers' expectations within the romance genre. Now, I can plot with confidence.
Write a Romance Novel with Award-Winning author Romy Sommer
Romy provides in-dept insight into the Romance Genre, from reader's expectations to power dynamics.
You learn how to look at your chosen Genre from 12 different angles. Highly Recommend!

I will be looking for more of her classes to attend.
Wonderful instructor. Romy provided detailed lectures and quick and attentive follow-ups. Personalized feedback helped me connect the external wound to my character's internal. Romy encouraged me to have a second look at assignments and repost them for her to offer guidance. I can't recommend Romy enough. I will look for other classes and ways to connect with Romy and benefit from her teaching.
This was a great class. Not only does Romy has a wealth of knowledge that she shared, but she gave us assignments to help us use the material productively.

I learned:
1. The importance of emotional wounds to the characterization and plot and how it strengthens the character's goal, motivation and conflict
2. How to use a character's emotional wound to improve my plot
3. How to dig into the emotional wound to give the character more depth and dimension
4. What to avoid when using a character's emotional wound

I highly recommend this class, and I will definitely be taking more classes that Romy offers.
This was an excellent course - Romy explained each lesson succinctly, provided great examples which were fairly generic not overly complicated and relevant to most genres - end result - content that was easily applicable to my day-to-day writing endeavours. The homework was just right, easy to use in my novel and steered me in the right direction. As most readers hold their interest in books thro' the connection they have with the character(s), this course really is a template for writing a successful novel that both holds readers and draws them into it. Thanks Romy for a super course; really enjoyed it...the rest is up to us. :-)
This was a fantastic class. Romy explained everything in detail and gave terrific feedback on the homework assignments. I know my writing will benefit from the information I gained.
Romy was a great instructor and provided helpful feedback to homework exercises. She also presented the class with informative reading material that was interesting and relevant. I would sign up to another class presented by Romy quickly.
Good information, positive and useful feedback.

In all, I wish the class could have lasted a little longer!
I really enjoyed this class. I learned a great deal and the information was presented in a professional and easy-to-understand manner.
Excellent class. I've been writing for a long time and I've taken many courses. This is a good one. Tons of great information even for someone who isn't new to the block. Five stars.
Great class! Romy's information was thorough and organized--the homework each day challenged me to dig deeper into my romance novel and push my characters and plot past the humdrum. She provided excellent feedback and was encouraging and supportive. I will definitely be taking another class with her! Thank you!
Romy has a wealth of information! She has put a lot of thought into this class and, I, as the student, benefitted greatly. The exercises were very helpful and enjoyable but didn't take up an inordinate amount of time, which is nice given my busy schedule. I feel I learned things that not only helped me in the moment, but will also pay off as my writing grows. Thanks so much for offering this class!
I signed up for Romy Sommer's class on a whim after a long absence from SavvyAuthors. For once, my impulsive "pandemic" shopping/computer clicking rewarded me ten times over. I "bought" myself a boatload of rejuvenated creative juices! Romy provided a much needed jump start to my writing. Her lessons were easy to understand, and although she didn't require extensive homework, she somehow lit my fire. I ended up writing my first ever paranormal short story. Once I got going, I couldn't stop. So I'm one happy student. Enjoyed Romy's enthusiastic comments to all the class members. Sorry that the class went by so quickly. Thanks, Romy and SavvyAuthors!
Planning is key, and this class addresses the need to plan and not put the cart before the horse. Thank you for the tips for building my brand!