THE AUTHOR'S ARSENAL: Writing Weapons & Wounds with Federal Forensic Investigator Geoff Symon

Research THE AUTHOR'S ARSENAL: Writing Weapons & Wounds with Federal Forensic Investigator Geoff Symon

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[bcolor=#ffffff]Hurting your characters shouldn’t be a pain. Want to know if blood really gushes out of that injury, a bullet can really pass through the shoulder? Join Geoff, a forensic investigator for this basic forensics course that covers different weapons and the wounds they inflict. Geoff will discuss,[/bcolor]

  • [bcolor=#ffffff][bcolor=#ffffff]Blunts, sharps, and projectiles, [/bcolor][/bcolor]
  • [bcolor=#ffffff][bcolor=#ffffff]Walk through the injuries and risks associated with each, [/bcolor][/bcolor]
  • [bcolor=#ffffff][bcolor=#ffffff]Consider their impact on your scenes and plot so you can make certain they do the right kind of damage.[/bcolor][/bcolor]