The Postproduction Outline with Beth Daniels

Plot-Structure-GMC The Postproduction Outline with Beth Daniels

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  1. Characters
  2. Description/Setting
  3. Structure
  4. GMC
  5. Plotting
  6. Worldbuilding
$5 off Early Registration Coupon-expires 1 week before class starts
Class Length
4 Weeks
If you, like me, are a Pantser with a touch of Plantser in your system, you’ve found there is a point when you aren’t sure what has happened that needs to be fleshed out and then wrapped up at the close of a story.

Sometimes it’s a small thing, but sometimes it’s much larger. Particularly if you’ve given your characters some major personal changes to deal with, or there’s a mystery to solve.

Since I don’t outline, don’t even do a freewrite synopsis these days (because the story never followed any of it during creation), I have found that sometimes I’m not sure what’s in the story and what I considered putting in it but then didn’t. Thin dividing line at times.

Recently, I tried something different. A Postproduction outline. I created it when I was past the middle part but still aways to go to hit the conclusion. It told me very briefly what I’d already put my characters through, even comments they made that might come back to bite them, and what sort of questions needed to be taken care of, wrapped up, made astonishing (!) by the final line on the last page.

It worked so well, I wondered why it had taken me so many years and so many manuscripts to realize this guided me into the remaining parts of the story. Now, I’d like to share it with you. Sound interesting?
Class Format
Savvy Authors' workshops are held on a forum: a bulletin board based system. You will receive a reminder notice one day prior to the start of the workshop that includes instructions on how to access the workshop forum. If you have not received instructions by the day the workshop begins, please check your spam filter.

The forum will be available the morning (EST) of the day the workshop starts and will remain accessible to all participants thereafter. You will also be given simple instructions on how to create a PDF of all your discussions along with our privacy and data retention policy.
Beth Daniels
Start date
Jan 1, 2024 at 9:00 AM
End date
Jan 29, 2024 at 12:50 AM
Registration end date
Jan 9, 2024 at 4:43 PM
4.97 star(s) 32 ratings

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