Your Novel's BluePrint - Robin Haseltine - FULL

Special Event Your Novel's BluePrint - Robin Haseltine - FULL

Help with Pitch Polishing is invaluable, and Robin makes her advice invaluable, as it is clear, specific, perceptive, and professional. Thanks!
Help with pitch and Amy was s,wesome. Great event great I can't wait to participate again.
Robin's advice was terrific! Clear, specific, perceptive, professional, fast, and very helpful.
Robin Haseltine was amazing to work with. She has a killer ability to get to the root of my story and give me specific suggestions to present my story in its best light. I hope I have the privilege to work with her again. Top-notch!
This was so valuable! Robyn provided terrific, thoughtful, constructive feedback. So glad I participated in this course!
Robin is so insightful and helpful! My only wish is the class was longer to give us more time to brainstorm but the material was great!
Robin was everything I expected in a mentor. I found all her suggestions/comments most helpful. I would certainly do another workshop with her.
The big let-down for me was working on the site. I think the attendees see different screens to the admins who are working in them all the time and give the screens different names to what appears on the actual page from our end. A map of what page leads to what screen etc. may be helpful but I'm no techie so don't know what can be done.
I’d have much preferred a month-long event, with us reaching a completed scene list which had been reviewed and discussed with the pro.
Robin provided great feedback on the assignments. She gave thoughtful and detailed answers to questions. I would take additional classes from her.
Robin had great insight on all the posted lessons and it allowed me to learn from not only my own blueprint, but everyone else's. She was excellent at finding the good and tweaking the not so good. ;) She answered questions that authors have always wanted to ask but we're afraid too! Amazing teacher with a gift to share her expertise with others to help them grow.
Excellent! This might be the best class I've taken with SA. Robin Haseltine was insightful and excellent in in sharing advice and direction. I would like to see more classes with hands on learning experiences.