
How to Self-publish and Market a Book
This book treats publishing and marketing together to create a complete project plan.
Navigating Family Court: In the Best Interest of Your Child
Going to court can be scary. Going to court to decide custody of your child can be truly terrifying — there is so much at stake! Written by a twenty-year-veteran within the family court system, this book will guide you through a difficult time for your family.
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Do you have a story in you? Do you know how to write it or how to tell it? Creating Stories has the answers. Hank Quense, the author of more than twenty books, tells you how to do it.
Desert Winds: A Collection of Poems about El Paso by Susan Lynn Zenker
This collection will take you through a poet’s life in the city she has most loved. Written in an accessible style, her poems offer her reflections on this one-of-a-kind Texas town—from its local cemeteries, junkyard, Chopin Festival, to its desert flora and fauna, complete with local artwork.
Moody Gardens: A Collection of Travel Poems by Susan Lynn Zenker
Travel along with the poet through New England, Mexico, Miami, Hawaii, Venezuela, Paraguay, New Mexico, and Texas as her poems take you on an emotional journey through her special moments and to those places that have most influenced her. Plus experience the artwork of local artist Erika Martinez.
Beyond Borders: reflections from the humanitarian frontline
“Two weeks ago, I didn't even know that Niger was a country… now I am deep in its south with Doctors Without Borders, responsible for saving people's lives.” In this story of humanitarian emergency medical work as a physician with Médecins Sans Frontières in Africa, Cassandra Arnold uses spare prose and haunting images to share the heartbreak and the humor, the challenges and the celebrations of volunteer work overseas. From February 2009 to October 2013, Dr Cassandra Arnold spent twenty months in the field as a volunteer with Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières. In that time, she accepted 8 posts in 5 different countries: Niger, Haiti, Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Iraq. This is Niger, where it all began. Part journal, part photo album, part poem... deeply personal and deeply confronting... If you have ever wondered what this work is really like, read this book and you will know. "Follow me now into the sands of the Sahel." Profits from the sale of this book will be donated to Doctors Without Borders Canada.
Unadoptable Joy: A memoir in poetry and prose
From an abusive home in the Minneapolis projects, Joy was labeled "unadoptable" - doomed to the foster care system. But luck or something else landed Joy in a middle-class family that was willing to survive the system with her. In her memoir, Joy shares her early nightmares and the frustrations of living as 'Property of the State' while celebrating the Wrights, her foster family.
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The Young Adult Writers Journey comes out November 23 and will fill every need-to-kn ow about writing books for young adults. Written by an award-winning young adult author and the squiring editor for Tell-Tale Publishing, this book will take you through all the ins and outs of writing for that mysterious person, a teenager. Finally, an all-inclusive book on young adult fiction must-do, don’t do and how-to. If you want to write a young adult novel, you need to read this book first. Coauthored by an award-winning YA author and an acquisitions editor, both experts on kids and what they like to read, this encyclopedia contains all you need to start or improve a career as a YA fiction author. From an examination of the market, genre and its sub-genres, to mechanics and the business, everything is at your fingertips. This amazing writer’s resource is written in a relaxed and interesting style, with plenty of contemporary references and examples for clear understanding and easier application. Praise: “The trouble with “how to” books on creativity is that they usurp creativity. Not so with this very insightful guide for YA writing. If it doesn’t become a standard or even a classic among reference Page | 2 books, it will be an oversight. Janet Schrader-Post and Elizabeth Fortin-Hinds have all the marinated smarts and credentialed experience to pull this off, and they do! No dictated wisdom from on high here, no grafted creativity, THE YOUNG ADULT WRITER’S JOURNEY is accessible, motivational and a clear map that leaves plenty of room to discover for anyone wanting to explore their creative side.”-Thomas Sullivan, Pulitzer-nominated author of THE PHASES OF HARRY MOON
Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

A Book of poems I'd written about horses, nature, love, and life.
Angel Trilogy

Angel Trilogy

Angels have always touched our lives, even if we're unaware. Read about the author's experiences (book 1,) then read books 2 & 3 about people from all over & how they have been touched by an angel or had a miracle in their lives. Their stories will leave you breathless and bring a tear to your eye.
The Big Squeeze: Hugs & Inspirations For Every Grown-Up Who Loves Teddy Bears
Inspired by the enduring appeal of teddy bears for grown-ups of all ages, The Big Squeeze is a sweet and uplifting gift book focused on the undeniable truth that kindness to ourselves, and others, matters.
Tenderness Is Strength -- From Machismo to Manhood
Psychologist Dr. Harold Lyon's personal quest from Being a West Point graduate, Ranger, Paratrooper, counter-guerrilla expert to a leader in Human Potential Movement , project officer for development of "Sesame Street," and researcher and practitioner of person-centeredness. Foreword by John Denver
On Becoming an Effective Teacher -- Person-Centered Teaching, psychology, philosophy, and dialogues with Carl R. Rogers and Harold Lyon
This book by Dr. Carl R. Rogers and his colleague, Harold Lyon, and Reinhard Tausch, "father of German Person-Centered psychology, is the last of the writings by the famed Rogers, named by the American Psychological Assoc. as "the Most influential psychologist in American History."
Angling in the Smile of the Great Spirit -- 6 Centuries of Wisdom from the Master Anglers of Lake Winnipesaukee
Winner of the New England Outdoor Writers "Best Book of the Year" Award. The definitive book on cold water glacial lake fishing. 15 Master Anglers with 600 years of experience share their stories, secrets, tips and even some of their lies. Available at
Sex Unlimited

Sex Unlimited

Everything you need to know about sex and dating but were afraid to ask. Warning: this is not your grand-mother's dating manual. It's scandalous and edgy with just the right mix to make being bad, oh so good!
Naughty Games & Activities
Fun playful activities book with naughty games for hours of fun. Contains mazes, mandalas, connect the dots, secret messages, Sudoku, word search, and more.
Domme says...

Domme says...

Domme says provides sassy playful comments with a BDSM twist created by America’s Intimacy and BDSM Expert, Dr. Charley Ferrer. This journal book provides you with lines to jot down your thoughts and ideas.