Recent content by Allie McCormack

  1. Allie McCormack

    Manuscript Formatting The Book Khaleesi

    They provide a pretty complete selection of services, from proofreading to more thorough editing. They offer formatting for eBooks and paperbacks; both straight-forward formatting to overall book design. They do cover design, as well as banners (moving and still) and book trailers (clips vs...
  2. Truck Stop by Allie McCormack 200x300.jpg

    Truck Stop by Allie McCormack 200x300.jpg

    Teri is on the run for her life when she unexpectedly finds herself offered haven... and a job... at a truck stop on the windswept plains of Wyoming. There she meets Mike, the young trucker who appoints himself her protector. But will her new life and her new-found love for Mike be enough when...
  3. Allie McCormack

    Introvert/Recluse but need to do marketing/promo... help!

    I went to several workshops on marketing at RWA National, and I've started to look for marketing/promo opportunities. With an audiobook coming out next month and my first new release in 18 years in January, now's the time to start getting my head into marketing. I took a...
  4. Allie McCormack

    Brand new!

    Thank you, RJ! I'm soooo excited about NaNo! I've got my writing snacks on preorder from Swiss Colony, and starting to cook up freezer meals now. I have chronic pain, and cooking is a nightmare, so I have to start early and space things way out. Especially as one of the things I'm making is...
  5. Allie McCormack

    Brand new!

    Oh awesome! I hadn't gotten as far as looking at the SIGs yet, so I ran right over and joined that one :) Thank you!!!
  6. Allie McCormack

    Brand new!

    Hey! I just heard about SavvyAuthors from my writing buddy... this looks great! She recommended it particularly because I"m going to be looking for small presses to submit to, and eventually marketing services, if I wind up going that route. I'm still querying agents, but also looking ahead to...