Recent content by Barbara Sheridan

  1. Barbara Sheridan

    Challenge! Contest Time!

    Shani Gordon stopped walking and shivered beneath the blazing sun. It took her a moment to realize the wail echoing in her ears was the distant blare of a train whistle and not the echo of her own screams from the night that would forever haunt her. Banishing the dark memories, she continued on...
  2. Barbara Sheridan

    Stop the presses! There might be a buyer for Savvy!!!

    I just about the the situation and I hope it can continue. I wasn't able to renew my premium membership, but I've taken a few classes since it lapsed.
  3. Barbara Sheridan

    Telling not Showing? In time-travel novel.

    I just came across this post. Is this a standalone book? Is the time travel "accidental" or a planned thing, with the travel done by some mechanical or magical means? Mine have been "accidental" travel and my main characters tend to have a "We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto" moment once they...
  4. Barbara Sheridan

    Proofreader Emily Nemchick

    From their website: I began copy editing and proofreading professionally in 2012, after completing my BA in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic at the University of Cambridge. I have worked as a copy editor in academic publishing and the self-publishing world. I have worked on fiction and non-fiction...