Recent content by CassandraCarr

  1. CassandraCarr

    Craft Demonstrate Complex Emotions without Sinking into Stereotypes with Cassandra Carr

    Perfect people are boring. So are perfect characters! Being perfect can be good or bad, and you as the writer need to develop your characters in interesting, hopefully unexpected ways. This course is applicable to writers at any stage. Lesson One: Why writing without stereotypes is crucial...
  2. CassandraCarr

    Craft Learn How to Make YOUR Backlist Work for YOU with Cassandra

    Sometimes even authors with several books don't know how much revenue is hiding in those books after their initial launch. Books that were published months or even years ago can still be great earners for you. In this workshop, you'll learn how to make your backlist work for you, not languish in...
  3. CassandraCarr

    Craft The Writer's Secret Weapon: Strong GMC with Cassandra Carr

    Many writers understand GMC (goal, motivation, conflict) well enough, but still don't use them to their greatest advantage to improve their stories. In this course we'll talk about each aspect of GMC and how to maximize them, then how to make sure they work together. Lesson One: Quick primer...
  4. CassandraCarr

    Character Creating the Romantic Couple with Cassandra Carr

    Have you ever read a romance novel and thought, "I really liked the book, but..." Something about the characterization of the hero or heroine left you cold? Didn't make sense? Wasn't fleshed out enough? This course will walk you through the process of creating memorable characters, including...
  5. CassandraCarr

    Genre-Romance Writing a Sports Romance with Cassandra Carr

    There are specific things a writer must do (and NOT do) when writing sports romance. Not everyone does these things, and it shows when you read their novel. If you want to avoid bad reviews or outright rejection from publishers, this workshop should put you on the right path. Lesson One: Pick...
  6. CassandraCarr

    Plot-Structure-GMC Keep Your Plot Tight with Cassandra Carr

    Every writer has had trouble keeping their plots moving. We've all heard about the "sagging middle" and other gotchas authors run into, but how do you avoid these pitfalls? In this workshop you'll learn tried and true techniques for making sure your reader remains riveted to your story.
  7. CassandraCarr

    Genre-Romance Romance Tropes with Cassandra Carr

    In romance, tropes are a vital part of storytelling. But what exactly are tropes? Why are they important? If you’re a writer struggling with how to effectively use tropes, this workshop is for you. The major romantic tropes, what they are & how to use them How to choose one or more while...
  8. CassandraCarr

    Craft Writing a Series with Cassandra Carr

    Writing a series takes time and commitment. After all, any series is going to take you years to complete at the rate most authors release. So is it worth it? Absolutely. Why? Because readers love series books. If you're going to do a series, what do you need to know? Main topics covered will...
  9. CassandraCarr

    Character Creating Secondary Characters with Cassandra Carr

    Side characters are an important component in your story. You want them to be interesting, but not take over the story, right? In this workshop, you’ll learn some tips and tricks to creating useful secondary characters. Lesson One: Basics about secondary characters Lesson Two: The Sidekick –...
  10. CassandraCarr

    Plot-Structure-GMC Scene Elements - Action/Reaction, Scenes/Sequels with Cassandra Carr

    Every novel has common parts of scenes, such as moving the plot forward, revealing character, motivation, inner/external conflict, etc. These universal necessities will make up the first part of the workshop and be fleshed out and explained. In addition, romance has some specific things...
  11. CassandraCarr

    Plot-Structure-GMC The Writer's Secret Weapon: Strong GMC with Cassandra Carr

    Many writers understand GMC (goal, motivation, conflict) well enough, but still don't use them to their greatest advantage to improve their stories. In this course we'll talk about each aspect of GMC and how to maximize them, then how to make sure they work together. Lesson One: Quick primer...
  12. CassandraCarr

    Plot-Structure-GMC Story Structure for Pantsers with Cassandra Carr

    Plotting and pantsing seem like two different ways of writing, but most of us actually use a combination of both. If your writing style veers toward being a pantser, you may still want some idea of where you're going before you start. How do you go about making a plan without stifling your...
  13. CassandraCarr

    Editing Layering as an Editing Tool with Multi-Published Author Cassandra Carr

    Have you ever finished the first draft of a book and thought it was missing something, but you weren't sure what? That "what" is probably layering - the process of adding details to your story, from character traits to body language to descriptions of the environment surrounding your story. Each...
  14. CassandraCarr

    Craft I Can't Get Started - Learning how to open a novel and plot the first chapter with Cassandra Carr

    Have you ever heard a writer talk about starting her book in the wrong place? What on earth are they talking about? How do you know you're starting in the right place? This workshop will help you figure out how and when you should begin your story. Many writers, particularly in the beginning...
  15. CassandraCarr

    Plot-Structure-GMC Is Your Dark Moment Gray? How to make it black & keep your readers interested w/ Cassandra Carr

    Have you ever read a romance and reach the traditional 60-80% complete section and think, "That's it? That's what's going to keep these main characters apart?" I think we all have. The central theme in romance is, of course, love and reaching the Happy Ever After or Happy For Now. But the...