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  • Jan 10, 2020
    Hello! I have read that writers should have a marketing plan as agents/editors may ask for it as part of your pitch package. Two questions: 1) is this true and 2) if so, is this a marketing plan specifically for the book you're pitching, or for yourself as an author?

    Thanks in advance!!
    In my experience, agents and publishers want to know that a writer has a clue as to what book marketing entails. Just because someone is smart enough to write a book, doesn't mean they know how to market that book and the money agents and publishers make depends in large part on the ability of the author to effectively market the book. Consequently, they want to know up front how the would-be author intends to market the book. The marketing plans is for the book, not the author
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    I've heard that some do ask for this now. We just posted the information for our next Pitchfest and Sourcebooks is asking about sales history but not marketing plans and I think that is true for the agents and editors from this last pitchfest. Most of the ones I have heard is information about how you as an author are marketing yourself not specifically the book.
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