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Return after a few years

Tom Grady

Aug 9, 2010
Hi all, Just wanted to mention that after a few years I am finally back to writing. Working on a Paranormal romance - not the normal werewoofie/vamp thing, but something I hope is different. I am looking for a few people interested in bouncing ideas and concepts off - and sometime soon some critting. Be glad to reciprocate.

Tom G
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Welcome back, Tom. I wonder if this is coming around again. I have been hearing more people comment they are reading and writing Were/Vamp UF books. And I just started reading the Kim Harrison book again! We do have some folks here that are writing UF. We're also running a crit-matching program now that might help you find a few: CritPartner Match
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Hi, @Tom Grady!


Welcome back to writing! It's great to see you around SavvyAuthors. I'm hearing PNR is making a big comeback after the latest Twilight book came out earlier this week. :)

Please let us know if you have any questions or need anything!

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Hi Tom!
Dragonmoon Press has a book on writing paranormal novels. Check it out.
If you need someone to bounce ideas off of, I'm game. Though, I'll be upfront and let you know I can only check in here on the weekends.
Tom Grady
Tom Grady
Thanks Kim. I might take you up on that. One of the most difficult issues I have is while creating this whole concept is making sure everything I create has a touch of reality to. I have a series planned and the concept is a romance series involving Armageddon. With each novel containing a different couple with disparate viewpoint (ie: Israeli and Palestinian). I spend a ton of time on research obviously. Anyway ... since I live in the boondocks, any help will be appreciated. FYI: I am writing between 1,000 and 2,000 words daily and have about 32,000 in first draft form.
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