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Hit A Brick Wall . . . help needed


Oct 23, 2020
Determined to finish revisions on a manuscript (contemporary romance) I was making great progress until suddenly wham . . .I hit a brick wall and absolutely can't think. In the past (and a different country) I had writing friends I could call to talk me through these blocks/I did the same for them. Would love to find that same sort of thing here. Anyone? You'll save me from bingeing on junk food and hating myself!
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I like Lynette's advice. It's also worked for me. When I do this I write down the elements on Post-it notes and use my wall as a plotting board. It lets me move the elements around and helps get me out of the detailed editing mode I drop into when I am stuck.
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Hi everyone, sorry for the belated reply, life has been a bit distracting lately:( Great suggestions though. I do know it helps to take a break--even overnight, things that seemed all wrong, don't look quite so bad after a night's sleep. I hope I've moved on from the brick wall; I ended up looking at the scenes that weren't working and writing out the goal and outcome for each one which helped clarify things. Thanks again, glad I found this site.
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