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Ready to become more active

G G Fiezmont

Author in Residence
Nov 13, 2016
Los Angeles, California
Hello all, I'm Genevieve, a newbie.

I've been lurking for a while and getting to know Savvy Authors. Now I'm ready to become more active. I write speculative fiction that blends in elements of romance and maybe fantasy. I never feel quite knowledgeable enough about these genres. I worked out a four-part novel or series a while back. The four parts are too short to be individual novels, but together would add up to a monster, so I'm once again stumped about what to call it. Now I'm writing a prequel and wrestling with a sequel. My main goal as a writer is to find readers who would enjoy diving into my word worlds.
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Hi Genevieve,

Welcome to Savvy! I'm so glad you decided to become more active. This is a great space to learn and talk with fellow writers in a supportive environment. I love it here and I hope you will too!

I completely understand it when you say, "I never feel quite knowledgeable enough about these genres." I write romantic suspense and it seems I'm still learning. Since joining Savvy, I've taken loads of classes and they have really helped me. The instructors are great and always willing to answer questions and provide support. Plus Savvy has lots of bootcamps coming up where you can meet and interact with lots of other writers.

If you have any question, please feel free to DM me. I'll be happy to help in any way I can.
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Welcome! I love the new year! So many new things to do and try. I'm going to commit to writing more this year. Genevieve, I will join you in a commitment to become more active.

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Welcome @gfiezmont
I write speculative fiction, too.
I usually hang out with the Kidlit readers/writers and write in that category, but I am expanding some of my genre to mystery and suspense.
We have a lot of events coming up.
Special events -- like Critique Partners --starting Monday and April's bootcamp for writing another Nano novel. Pitch and Query letters practice, too.
In addition we have so many wonderful lectures/workshops.
Becky Martinez is starting an overall writing series and she was hugely instrumental in my development. Smart Savvy and Practical. She would be a great one to talk with about your short novels or novellas/or series.
Lots of great workshops coming up...
See you around the water cooler or in one of the SIGs (special interest groups).
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Becky is doing a 3 month series that is at a discount $75 (premium)
Otherwise, doing it month-to-month, it is $30/month.
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