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I joined for the upcoming BDSM for Writers class. But am finding more here than I expected

While I belong to a local critique group, no one reads or writes erotica, so only my short stories are usually reviewed. Would love to find a beta, critique partner or a critique group!

I do have a published short story in an anthology and am preparing a submissions for two others. Have also begun blogging on my new author website.

I have created a goal of release dates for my Erotica and Futuristic Romance. I believe this site and classes will help me reach those goals. (y)
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Hi Bobbie, I joined this morning specifically for the BDSM seminar tomorrow as well. I currently write erotica, fantasy, historical and horror. Like your group, no one reads my erotica. I have probably 100 short erotica stories. I have a blog for those with a few followers. I recently been forced into retirement and am putting things in order to return to my writing and learning to paint with watercolors. My sister pointed me to this site this morning and so far I love it. See you for class in the morning!
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Hi Bobbie,

Welcome to SavvyAuthors! My name is Lynn. I write romantic suspense and I'm a Savvy moderator, so you'll see me around a lot in the workshops. In fact, I'm moderating your BDSM class! ;)

Congrats on the publication of your story in an anthology! That's so awesome!

Savvy has loads on fantastic workshops and events. They also have wonderful special events like Plotting Bootcamp, pitch sessions, etc. There's a special event coming up in November for NaNo called NaNovember. Check it out here! Everyone at Savvy is very supportive and helpful. The workshop teachers are wonderful and are always happy to answer questions.

Taking the BDSM workshop is great because you'll be able to connect with other writers specifically for erotica. There are also critique groups you can join at Savvy, although I'm unsure if there is one dedicated to erotica... If there are enough people in the BDSM workshop who are interested in creating one, I'm sure we can work something out.

If you have any questions, just DM me! If I don't know the answer, I'll be happy to help find out.

And again, welcome to Savvy! I'm thrilled you joined us!
Bobbie Carlton-Hess
Bobbie Carlton-Hess
Thank you. :)

I will have to check out your November event. I have participated in NaNoWriMo for the last 4 years.

I am hoping there are enough people in this class to have a group. Maybe we can even get our instructor to pop in from time to time. It can be difficult to find other writers of the genre.
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I already welcomed you in the other thread, but I will welcome you here, too, because when I look down the forum, it keeps giving me notice that I missed you. LOL!

Actually, I see I posted other answers to your posts. So here is a proper welcome. We have a strong BDSM group. I am sure that @Tamsen Kaye has been in touch with them would be a good start. She used to write some, I believe. We have a fair amount, who write erotica. There can be some cross over or leaning towards...or just curious. I know that @lesliedow -our fearless leader, would know if there are any groups forming and could direct you to them. So we have some options for you.
At any rate, welcome.
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