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Deranged Doctor Design
From their website:
Imagine yourself surrounded by a vast ocean books. You look around and gasp - there are so many! Millions of volumes, their pages flitting and fluttering around you. They never end, and more keep coming. There's a fresh deluge every day, and the quality varies wildly. How do you separate the wheat from the chaff?

Now imagine that you have one very special book in your breast pocket, kept close to your heart. It's an extraordinary book, because it's the one you've written. You've poured your sweat, ink, and tears into it, and now's the time to send it downstream where it will have to find it way among the others.

You're afraid that it might not make it. The currents may be unkind, and it could sink straight to the bottom. You know that readers will love it, if it can only drift their way. If anyone's going to pluck it from the water, it's going to have to make a good first impression.

We'll make your book stand out in that huge crowd.
We'll help your pride and joy on its path towards an audience.
What do you love about what they did for you?
This is a smooth operation, but word has gotten around a bit, so they may have a lengthy wait time. DDD efficiently and professionally designs book covers. I've used them four times, each of which met target delivery dates with great-looking covers. They have a good attitude, too, which helps. :)
Jen Crane
First release
Last update
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