Vellum Formatting

Manuscript Formatting Vellum Formatting

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From their website: Created your ebook in Vellum? It’s ready for print.

Page numbers. Margins. Headers. Font. Line spacing. All of the setup that can take hours elsewhere happens automatically with every book you create.

And Vellum goes beyond the basics to prevent widows, balance page spreads, and avoid short pages — all automatically. You’ll have a book that looks like it took days to create …in minutes.
What do you love about what they did for you?
Seriously personal customer service interactions and reasonable timetable turnaround in answering questions not listed in the FAQs of their website. What's also fantastic about the website is when you're ready to upload your book or ebook, then you pay for the software licensing. Beforehand, you get to see what your book layout will be in several e-reader platforms - Kindle Fire or Paperwhite, Nook, one's iPhone, etc. It's definitely worth the $199 (ebook) - $249 (ebook & hard copy) price.
Missye Maroon
First release
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5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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MAC only, but it is fantastic and worth every penny. I use MacinCloud to access vellum. Excellent quality and easy.
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