
  1. LC Hayden

    Craft Show Don't Tell with LC Hayden

    Do you have trouble with telling the reader the story instead of showing it? If so, join the crowd. This is one of the most common mistakes in writing. But there’s hope. In this two week workshop, I will Show you how to tell which mode you’re in Tell you how to fix the problem Show you how to...
  2. Tracy Koppel

    Craft Make Your Descriptions of Setting Do Double or Triple Duty with Tracy Forgie Koppel

    Make your descriptions of setting do double or even triple duty by having them not only let your reader know where your characters are, but also share your POV character's emotion and also not slow down the scene—unless slowing down the scene is exactly what is right for that moment in your...
  3. Cynthia Owens

    Craft Show Don’t Tell: The Writer’s Golden Rule with Cynthia Owens

    Show Don’t Tell: The Writer’s Golden Rule looks at different techniques of putting your readers into your story, and how to use them. We will cover: · Show vs. Tell?—Examines the difference between telling a story and showing it. · The Five Senses—How to use the senses effectively. ·...
  4. Kate McMurray

    Craft Writing Vivid Settings with Kate McMurray

    Setting is often treated as just window dressing, but it can inform every part of a story, right down to plotting and pacing and how characters speak and behave. In this workshop, we’ll discuss how to turn Generic Town, USA, into a living, breathing place that your characters inhabit. We’ll...
  5. Brenda Chin

    Craft MASTER CLASS: Showing & Telling with Brenda Chin

    Award-winning editor Brenda Chin has worked in the romance industry for more than 32 years. Throughout her many years with Harlequin, she had the opportunity to work with some of the best writers in the business, often buying their first book. Brenda is offering her expertise to help authors go...
  6. Kathy Otten

    Worldbuilding-Setting A View From the Overlook--Writing Active Descriptions with Kathy Otten

    The LIVE webinar will be presented on ZOOM. For more information on how to access Zoom for your first Zoom meeting, please check out HERE. Show don't tell is the mantra of critique groups, agents, and editors. But what does that mean? How do you describe a scene without telling? In this...
  7. Kate McMurray

    Craft Writing Vivid Settings with Kate McMurray

    Setting is often treated as just window dressing, but it can inform every part of a story, right down to plotting and pacing and how characters speak and behave. In this workshop, we’ll discuss how to turn Generic Town, USA, into a living, breathing place that your characters inhabit. We’ll...
  8. Paris Wynters

    Character Body Language for Writers with Paris Wynters

    Body language is a key ingredient in correctly conveying the emotion you need to add power to your story. This class will teach writers how to use body language to make their characters stronger and more real so they become more than talking heads.
  9. LC Hayden

    Craft How to Make Your Writing Sparkle with L.C Hayden

    We’ve all done it. We read a book and set it aside. The writing didn’t capture us. Then there are those books that we can’t put down. Why? The plot, the characters, the writing captivated us. What are those authors’ “secrets?” I will reveal them in my workshop on How to Make Your Writing...
  10. Chris Redding

    Plot-Structure-GMC Layering: Not Just for Cakes with Chris Redding

    In this class, you will start with two pages of dialogue and transform it into a fully functioning scene. By adding each element of what needs to go into a story individually, you will see how it all makes the whole. You will also be able to add all the elements seamlessly, including description...
  11. Leslie Scott

    Don’t TELL me that! with Leslie Scott

    Don’t TELL me that! An interactive workshop that will teach you to break down the wall of the dreaded manuscript telling and show your readers a whole new world. This workshop is an incredibly immersive and interactive workshop for beginning and intermediate writers. You are encouraged to...

    Plot-Structure-GMC Beginnings with Jacqueline Lipton

    What’s the best way to get (and hold) your readers’ attention from the first line of your book until the last? With so many books to read and so many ways to read them (ebooks, audiobooks, and good old fashioned hardbacks and paperbacks), authors are often fighting for reader eyeballs in an...